Two new faces on Butterfield City Council

New mayor, council member – along with returning member – assume their duties

A new mayor, a new council member, along with a returning incumbent member were sworn in and assumed their duties at the Butterfield City Council’s first meeting of the new year on Monday, January 12. Introduced in their roles were Mayor Harry Hanson, new Council Member Les Schlomann and incumbent Council Member Jim Warwick. The three were elected in the November 2014 general election. Additional council members include Doug Meyer and Nick Mathistad.

In the meeting’s business

* The council’s initial action for 2015 was to approve the All Hazards Mitigation Plan for Watonwan County. Watonwan County’s Emergency Management Director Julie Peterson presented the specifics of the plan, including the various mitigation actions that could be taken by the City of Butterfield if state monies become available. Hazards covered in the plan include floods, summer storms, drought, fire, winter weather, hazardous materials and human-related hazards. The city has a list of 16 actions to be taken, specifically based on resident recommendations.

* Authority was given to the Butterfield Fire Department to purchase new equipment and complete truck repairs. The department will be purchasing new fire resistant, waterproof gloves that will also provide more flexibility for the hands. In addition, new Nomex hoods for department face masks will be purchased. Current gear is out-dated and worn.

* During the report by Public Works Manager Brandon Winch, residents were reminded of the necessity to shovel sidewalks following a winter snowfall. Those who cannot physically remove the snow may contact Butterfield City Hall to seek assistance. The city’s dump truck is slated for a Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) inspection, and Winch shared that the truck is in need or repairs. The repairs needed were listed as brakes, drag lines and other needed fixes. As well, holes are forming in the salt bucket, the sander/spreader is leaking hydraulic oil and also has air leaks and, the engine heater and fuel gauge no longer work coreclty.

* The potential wastewater project planned between the city and Butterfield Foods was discussed. That issue has been delayed as Butterfield Foods is currently dealing with other difficult issues, including claims of alleged animal cruelty at their food-processing facility.

* This year’s city committees were approved as appointed:

2015 Butterfield City Appointments

*Acting Mayor – Jim Warwick

*Health Officer – Karrin Witte

*Emergency Services Officers – Blane Braaten and Scott Linscheid

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*Auditors – Burkhardt & Burkhardt, CPAs

*Legal Counsel – Steven Sunde.

*Liquor Commissioner – Doug Meyer

*Street Commissioner – Nick Mathistad

*Sewer Commissioner – Jim Warwick

*Water Commissioner – Les Schlomann

*Voss Park – Harry Hanson and Nick Mathistad

*Weed Inspectors – Harry Hanson and Tom Meyer

*Personnel Committee – Harry Hanson, Jim Warwick and Butterfield City Clerk Leslie Heffele

*Official Newspaper – St. James Plaindealer

*Official Depository – Triumph State Bank of Butterfield

*Council Regular Meeting Time – Second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.

*Quorum – Three

*Special Meeting Notice Location Sites – Butterfield City Hall, Triumph State Bank of Butterfield and True Value Hardware Store of Butterfield

*City Hall Rental Rates – $200 deposit, $75 with kitchen and $50 without kitchen

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