Bethel Church holiday faith event schedule

List covers Thanksgiving and Christmas special observances

Thanksgiving Eve Service

All families are invited to the Thanksgiving Eve Service in the church sanctuary on Wednesday, November 26, beginning at 7 p.m.

The offering will go to Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Meat Canning.

A gathering is held each year on Thanksgiving Eve to remember with gratitude the year that has passed, and to give thanks for generous acts of God towards us. Those attending are asked to come prepared to share.

Sunday School Christmas Program

The children of the Sunday School Department extend an invitation to the congregation and their families to attend their Christmas Program on Sunday, December 14, at 10:30 a.m.

The children have prepared special songs, stories, as well as a play, to tell teh wonderful news of Jesus’ birth.

Following the program, those attending are invited to stay for a potluck meal – complete with birthday day in celebration of Jesus’ (as well as Preston’s) birth.

The invitation for this special morning event is extended to friends and neighbors.

Christmas Eve Service

The Christmas Eve Service will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening, December 24. It will be an inspirational evening of music, reading and candle-lighting.


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