General contractor for Well #7 given go ahead to proceed
Current Cottonwood County Commissioner for District 5 John Oeltjenbruns addressed the Mountain Lake City Council at their Monday, November 3 meeting with a request for the city to become a passport site.
Oeltjenbruns stated that passports are not issued in Cottonwood County, and shared information about what it entails to be a passport site.
Council members concluded that more research needs to be done before a decision is made.
Work on Well #7 continues
GM Contracting of Lake Crystal, the general contractor for the digging of the City of Mountain Lake’s newest well – Well #7 – requested and received from the council the notice to proceed with the balance of the work.
Andy Kehren, city engineer of Bolton and Menk, updated council members on work that has already been completed on the well.
Well #7 was dug on the former Boldt’s Watercare property site at the north intersection of Nickel Street and 10th Street North, adjacent to Cottonwood County Road #29.
Subcontractors for the project are Thein Well Company of Spicer, Kuehl Electric of St. James and MR Paving of New Ulm.
The digging of the well has been completed this fall, but it will not be operational until early 2015, after electrical, computer technology and other related work is finalized.
In addition, council members approved partial payment #1 of #137,675.10 for work to date on the well.
In other business
* Informed by Kehren that construction on the 2012-2014 Utility and Street Project has wrapped up, and that Kuechle Underground has completed the punch list.
* Reviewed and approved the engagement letter from Certified Public Accountant Dennis E. Oberloh of Redwood Falls forĀ auditing services for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 city audits.
* Approved the consent to the levy from the Economic Development Authority of the City of Mountain Lake for Mason Manor.
* Reviewed and approved payment of the third-quarter bill from the Mountain Lake Public School for indoor swimming pool costs. The pool had revenues of $1,968.65 and expenditures of $12,585.72, for a net loss of $10,617.07. The city’s portion is $5,308.54. The city has agreed to share 50/50 of the swimming facility costs up to $15,000 per year.
* Approved the joint powers agreement with the Southwest Minnesota/Northwest Iowa Emergency Response Unit.
* Approved the Community Partner Agreement for an Active Living Plan Contract with the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP). The plan will identify opportunities for the city to become more walk and bike friendly, and will also enable the city to apply for grants to accomplish that goal. A series of public hearings will be held to develop the plan, during which the city’s current strengths, weaknesses – and future needs – will be identified.
* Were reminded of the General Election canvassing meeting to be held at 5 p.m. on Friday, November 7 (today).
* Heard from Rachel Yoder in the Public Forum portion of the meeting. Yoder discussed mowing along the Mountain Lake Trail.