The 2014 vote

Results following Tuesday, November 4 general election

THE VOTING BOOTHS at the Mountain Lake Community Center – serving the City of Mountain Lake, Mountain Lake Township and Midway Township – were doing a brisk business at approximately 5 p.m. today, Tuesday, November 4 – Election Day. I was Voter #642.

Here is a synopsis of the election results for local offices affecting voters in Mountain Lake, Butterfield, Odin, Ormsby, Darfur, Comfrey and Bingham Lake and surrounding townships – as well as a ballot question:

 City of Mountain Lake

* Mayor: Mike Nelson.

* 4-Year City Council: Dana Kass and Andrew Ysker (incumbent).

* 2-year City Council: Darla Kruser.

City of Butterfield

* Mayor: Harry Hanson.

4-Year City Council: James Warwick (incumbent) and Leslie Schlomann.

Ballot Question for the City of Butterfield (Shall liquor licenses be issued for the sale of liquor on Sundays for consumption at licensed establishments in the City of Butterfield?) –


City of Odin

* Write-ins for Mayor and two 4-Year City Council yet to be determined.

City of Ormsby

* Mayor: Write-in yet to be determined.

* 4-Year City Council: Dawn Hanson and Angela Mohlenbrock.

* 2-Year Special City Council: Theresa Deling.

City of Darfur

* Mayor: John Schumann.

* 4-Year City Council: Doreen Bowman and Darwin Thiessen.

City of Comfrey

* Mayor: Gary Richter.

* 4-Year City Council: Darlene Arnsdorf and Rick Kastner.

City of Bingham Lake

* Mayor: Darren Kalvig.

* 4-Year City Council: Mark Redman and Marvin Bretzman.

Butterfield-Odin Public School Board, Independent School District #836

* Anders Pierson, Jonee Munning and Write-in yet to be determined.

Cottonwood County

* County Commissioner District 1: James Schmidt.

* County Commissioner District 3: Donna L. Gravley.

* County Commissioner District 5: Tom Appel.

* County Auditor/Treasurer: Jan Johnson.

* County Recorder: Kathleen “Kathy” Kretsch.

* County Sheriff: Jason J. Purrington.

* County Attorney: Nick Anderson.

* Soil and Water Supervisor District 1: Clark B. Lingbeek.

* Soil and Water Supervisor District 3: Daryl Tasler.

* Dale Township Town Supervisor Seat A – Write-in yet to be determined.

* Dale Township Town Supervisor Seat B – Write-in yet to be determined.

* Lakeside Township Town Supervisor Seat B – Larry A. Smith.

* Lakeside Township Town Supervisor Seat C – Bruce A. Turner.

* Lakeside Township Town Clerk: Bruce Nagorske.

* Midway Township Town Supervisor Seat B: Gordon Harder.

* Midway Township Town Supervisor Seat C: Tim Penner.

* Midway Township Town Treasurer: Gladys Friesen.

* Midway Township Question – Shall the County be permitted to issue Sunday sales intoxicating liquor licenses to establishments within the town?: No.

* Mountain Lake Township Town Supervisor Seat A: Write-in yet to be determined.

* Mountain Lake Township Town Supervisor Seat C: Lee Erickson.

Watonwan County

* County Commissioner District 2: Keith Brekken.

* County Commissioner District 4: Scott Sanders.

* County Auditor/Treasurer: Donald Kuhlman.

* County Recorder: Joy Sing.

* County Sheriff: Gary Menssen.

* County Attorney: Stephen J. Lindee.

* Soil and Water Supervisor District 1: Write-in yet to be determined.

* Soil and Water Supervisor District 2: Rich Enger.

* Adrian Township Town Supervisor Seat 1: Write-in yet to be determined.

* Adrian Township Town Supervisor Seat 2: Write-in yet to be determined.

* Adrian Township Town Treasurer: Connie Goblirsch.

* Butterfield Township Town Supervisor Seat 1: Kurt Blomgren.

* Butterfield Township Town Supervisor Seat 2: Eldon Janzen.

* Long Lake Township Town Supervisor Seat 1: Thomas Eng.

* Long Lake Township Town Supervisor Seat 2: Doug Nibbe.

* Long Lake Township Town Treasurer: Write-in yet to be determined.

* Odin Township Town Supervisor Seat 1: Ross Hanson.

* Odin Township Town Supervisor Seat 2: Lowell Mathistad.

* Odin Township Town Treasurer: David Sandbo.

Here are the numbers for the candidates competing in Election Day’s municipal, school district, township, county, federal. state and judicial contests:

 United States Senator from Minnesota

* Al Franken – DFL (1,052,785). Others – Mike McFadden – R (849,887), Steve Carlson – I (47,518), Heather Johnson – L (29,683) and Write-ins (888).

United States Representative District 1

* Tim Walz – DFL (122,639). Others – Jim Hagedorn – R (103,348) and Write-ins (307).

United States Representative District 7

* Collin C. Peterson – DFL (130,537). Others – Torrey Westrom – R (109,952) and Write-ins (333).

Minnesota State Representative District 22B

* Rod Hamilton – R (8,243). Others – Cheryl Avenel-Navara – DFL (4,200) and Write-ins (11).

Minnesota State Representative District 23A

* Bob Gunther – R (9,232). Others – Pat Bacon – DFL (5,735) and Write-ins (6).

Minnesota State Representative District 23B

* Tony Cornish – R (11,339). Others – Write-ins (459).

Minnesota State Representative District 16B

* Paul Torkelson – R (9,053). Others – James Kanne – DFL (4,872) and Write-ins (16).

Minnesota Governor and Lieutenant Governor

* Mark Dayton and Tina Smith – DFL (988,699). Others – Jeff Johnson and Bill Kuisle – R (878,929), Hannah Nicollet and Tim Gieseke – I (56,881), Chris Wright and David Daniels – Grassroots/Legalize Canabis (31,239), Chris Holbrook and Chris Dock – L (18,089) and Write-ins (804).

Minnesota Secretary of State

* Steve Simon – DFL (901,108). Others – Dan Severson – R (878,704), Bob Helland – I (94,021), Bob Odden – L (40,723) and Write-ins (1,142).

Minnesota Attorney General

* Lori Swanson – DFL (1,014,289). Others – Scott Newman – R (752,293), Dan R. Vacek – Legalize Marijuana Now (57,598), Brandon Borgos – I (44,596), Mary O’Connor – L (30,001), Andy Dawkins – Green (28,756) and Write-ins (762).

Minnesota State Auditor

* Rebecca Otto – DFL (987,738). Others – Randy Gilbert – R (766,529), Patrick Dean – I (76,806) and Write-ins (809).

Associate Justice-Supreme Court 2

* Wilhelmina (Mimi) Wright (837,290). Others – John Hancock (633,123) and Write-ins (3,521).

Associate Justice-Supreme Court 3

* David Lillehaug (777,535). Others – Michelle L. MacDonald (679,961) and Write-ins (3,560).

Judge – 5th District Court 5

* Christina M. Wietzema (46,575). Others – Nathan A. Busch (36,758) and Write-ins (121).

City of Mountain Lake

* Mayor – Mike Nelson (228). Others – David Ryan Savage (221), John Oeltjenbruns (189), Timothy Janzen (55) and Write-ins (26).

* Four-Year City Council – Dana Kass (398) and Andrew Ysker (390). Others – Brian Schultz (312), Christopher Boldt (91), D. David Dodge (48) and Write-ins (7).

* Two-Year City Council – Darla Kruser (351). Others – Dean S. Sawatzky (307) and Write-ins (14).

City of Butterfield

* Mayor – Harry Hanson (79). Others – Doug Meyer (77) and Write-Ins (10).

* Four-Year City Council – James Warwick (111) and Leslie Schlomann (96). Others – Kenneth Pankratz (93) and Write-ins (15).

* Shall liquor licenses be issued for the sale of liquor on Sundays for consumption at licensed establishments in the City of Butterfield? – Yes (89). Other- No (88).

Butterfield-Odin Public School Board, School District #836

* Four-Year School Board – Anders Pierson (225), Jonee Munning (131) and Write-ins (336).

 City of Odin

* Mayor – Write-ins (46).

* Four-Year City Council – Write-ins (83).

City of Ormsby

* Mayor – Write-ins (26).

* Four-Year City Council – Dawn Hanson (38) and Angela Mohlenbrock (35). Other – Write-ins (9).

* Two-Year City Council – Theresa Deling (34). Other – Write-ins (5).

City of Darfur

* Mayor – John Schumann (21). Other – Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year City Council – Doreen Bowman (21) and Darwin Thiessen (19). Other – Write-ins (4).

City of Bingham Lake

* Mayor – Darren Kalvig (33). Other – Mary Krumwiede (24) and Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year City Council – Mark Redman (41) and Marvin Bretzman (32). Other – Trina Kalvig (27) and Write-ins (5).

City of Comfrey

* Mayor – Gary Richter (109). Other – Write-ins (13).

* Four-Year City Council – Darlene Arnsdorf (108) and Rick Kastner (103). Other – Write-ins (7).

Dale Township

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat A – Write-ins (24).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat B – Write-ins (24).

Lakeside Township

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat B – Larry A. Smith (113).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat C – Bruce A. Turner (107). Other – Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year Term for Town Clerk – Bruce Nagorske (115). Other – Write-ins (1).

Midway Township 

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat B – Gordon Harder (117). Other – Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat C – Tim Penner (118).

* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – Gladys Friesen (121).

* Shall the County be permitted to issue Sunday sales intoxicating liquor licenses to establishments within the town? – No (72). Other – Yes (48).


Mountain Lake Township

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat A – Write-ins (14).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat C – Lee Erickson (68). Other – Write-ins (2).

Adrian Township

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – Write-ins (28).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – Write-ins (23).

* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – Connie Goblirsch (73).

Butterfield Township

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – Kurt Blomgren (99). Other – Write-ins (4).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – Eldon Janzen (94). Other – Write-ins (5).

Long Lake Township

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – Thomas Eng (147). Other – Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – Doug Nibbe (149). Other – Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – Write-ins (20).

Odin Township

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 1 – Ross Hanson (58). Other – Brad Ommodt (26).

* Four-Year Term for Town Supervisor – Seat 2 – Lowell Mathistad (75). Other – Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year Term for Town Treasurer – David Sandbo (77).

Cottonwood County

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Commissioner District 1 – James M. Schmidt (750). Other – Write-ins (25).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Commissioner District 3 – Donna L. Gravley (539). Other – Tom White (264).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Commissioner District 5 – Tom Appel (602). Other – Randy Sawatzky (232).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Auditor/Treasurer – Jan Johnson (3,697). Other – Write-ins (29).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Recorder – Kathleen “Kathy” Kresch (3,597). Other – Write-ins (11).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Sheriff – Jason J. Purrington (3,685). Other – Write-ins (31).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Attorney – Nick Anderson (3,484). Other – Write-ins (21).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Soil and Water Supervisor 1 – Clark B. Lingbeek (3,528). Other – Write-ins (4).

* Four-Year Term for Cottonwood County Soil and Water Supervisor 3 – Daryl Tasler (3,515). Other – Write-ins (7).

Watonwan County

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Commissioner District 2 – Mark Rentz (174). Other – Keith Brekken (147) and Write-ins (1).

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Commissioner District 4 – Scott Sanders (620). Other – Write-ins (17).

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Auditor/Treasurer – Donald Kuhlman (2,359). Other – Write-ins (17).

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Recorder – Joy Sing (2,313). Other – Write-ins (10).

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Sheriff – Gary Menssen (2,253). Other – Write-ins (90).

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Attorney – Stephen J. Lindee (2,249). Other – Write-ins (20).

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Soil and Water Supervisor 1 – Write-ins (114).

* Four-Year Term for Watonwan County Soil and Water Supervisor 2 – Rich Enger (2,152). Other – Write-ins (13).

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