Deadline for completed forms is November 7
The Mountain Lake Area Foundation (MLAF) is accepting grant proposals until Friday, November 7. Non-profit organizations with a 501 (c) (3) status are eligible to apply for assistance from the MLAF with on-going or future projects. The grant application forms are found on the MLAF website at: Return completed forms to Misty Karschnik at the Good Samaritan Village offices.
MLAF, a 501 (c) (3) was established in 1996 to attract and administer charitable funds for the benefit of the Mountain Lake community. It is a permanent resource for the community that provides leadership and financial resources in the form of grants to meet the needs and economic and social growth of the community.
The Mountain Lake Area Foundation (MLAF) is organized as a component fund of the Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF). The SWIF Community Foundation Program allows donors to make gifts to SWIF and designate them for use in Mountain Lake. SWIF provides the administrative and 501(c)(3) infrastructure. It also provides ongoing technical and professional support in areas such as strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, public relations, and grantmaking.
The MLAF Board of Directors includes:
* Julie Brugman – chairperson.
* Steve Syverrson – treasurer.
* Misty Karschnik – secretary.
* Vern Peterson.
* Tim Swoboda.
* Alvin Wiens, M. D.
* Judy Harder.
* Joyce Bucklin.
* Jerry Logue.
* Wade Nelson.
* David Savage.