Extends current indoor swimming pool contract with MLPS
Three members of the Des Moines Valley Health and Human Services Agency (DVHHS) were in attendance at the Monday, October 6 meeting of the Mountain Lake City Council to present information on a Community Active Living Plan for the city.
Presenting at the evening meeting were Diana Madsen, Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) Coordinator, along with DeTasha Place and Angela Naumann.
The trio discussed an opportunity for the city to receive a SHIP mini-grant to contract with the Southwest Regional Development Commission (SWRDC) to develop the Community Active Living Plan. The plan will identify opportunities for the city to become more walk and bike friendly, and will also enable the city to apply for grants to accomplish that goal.
A series of public hearings will be held to develop the plan, during which the city’s current strengths, weaknesses – and future needs – will be identified.
By consensus, the council agreed that a Community Active Living Plan should be written.
Madsen will prepare the the necessary documents for approval by council members.
Pool contract extended
Mountain Lake Public School (MLPS) Superintendent Bill Strom, as well as MLPS School Board Member Tim Swoboda, were at the meeting to discuss the school’s indoor swimming pool, and the cooperative contract the school district has with the city.
Reviewed were income, expenses, funding sources and ongoing pool maintenance.
The council agreed to extend the current contract with the school district. That language of the contract calls for quarterly income – less costs – divided by two for the city’s share. The monetary amount of support the city provides shall not exceed $15,000 per year.
In other business
* Approved the appointment of the general election judges for Tuesday, November 4.
* Approved the appointment of Brad Hanson as an advisory member of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) Board.
* Gave permission for charitable gambling.
* Reviewed the income and expenses for Island View Campground from 2006 through September 30, 2014, along with the current camping fees for the campground in comparison to other publicly-owned campgrounds in southwest Minnesota. Camping fees will not be increased for 2015.
* Declared an older basketball hoop recently removed from Mountain Lake City Park as surplus property, and donated it to MLPS.
* Allowed the owner of property at 645 4th Avenue to completely remove remaining sidewalk on the parcel. A section of sidewalk had been removed on the property to allow for the installation of a new private sewer line. The property to the west does not have sidewalk, and, while the property to the east does have sidewalk, the next three properties to the east do not.
* Reviewed and discussed street settling repair costs, final quantities, punch list items and the city’s answer to the Kuechle Underground Inc. v. City of Mountain Lake. It was decided that, prior to issuing a check of $35,461.92 to Kuechle for partial payment #17, the city’s representative appointed by the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC), Kim Kozar, should review the estimate and approve payment. Partial payment #17 was approved subject to Kozar’s review and approval.
* Reviewed a letter from Abdo, Eick & Meyers, with no action taken.
* Reminded by Mountain Lake City Administrator Wendy Meyer that the special assessment hearing will be at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, November 18, at Mountain Lake Community Center.