Mountain Lake firefighters open Fire Station to youngsters and their families
The 8th-annual Family Fun Fair will be held Wednesday, October 8, running from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at the Mountain Lake Fire Station. The event is for families with children up to 10 years of age. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
The Family Fun Fair is held each year in conjunction with National Fire Safety Prevention Week.
Families visiting the fire station can get an up-close look at fire-fighting equipment and visit booths representing community and county agencies to gather information, as well as participate in activities and crafts.
Booth vendors will include Mountain Lake Public School, Sanford Medical Clinic-Mountain Lake, Mountain Lake ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education), Mountain Lake ECI (Early Childhood Initiative), University of Minnesota-Cottonwood County-Nutrition Education, Foreign Exchange Students in Mountain Lake and Head Start.
In addition, each child attending the fun fair will receive a free book.
Door prizes will be presented.
A free light supper will be served, beginning at 5 p.m., courtesy of Good Samaritan Society of Mountain Lake.
Sponsors for the event include the Mountain Lake Fire Department, Mountain Lake ECI, in partnership with the Southwest Initiative Foundation.