Elementary students’ grandparents, mentors, special friends names on classroom lists – for a day
Mountain Lake Christian (MLC) elementary students celebrated the school’s traditional Grandparents Day on Friday morning, September 26, with their grandparents, mentors or special friends joining the “class lists,” becoming part of classrooms to observe and participate in their respective education programs.
In addition to learning the Sycamore (kindergarten), Acacia (first- and second-grade), Oak (third- and fourth-grade), Cedar (fifth- and sixth-grade) and music curriculum for the day, the choice visitors attended an informational meeting led by the school’s administrator, Dr. Bob Windel, and shared noon lunch with their specific student – or, in some cases – students.
The photographs below capture some of the moments of class participation by the 42 visiting “grand”students.
THE FIFTH- AND sixth-grade classroom of Cedar teacher Karin Stoesz, at right, was crowded Friday morning, September 26, with its usual students – plus those students’ grandparents, mentors or special friends.
SOFIA FLOHRS, RIGHT, is joined on the carpet of her kindergarten classroom by Grandma Gayle Flohrs, left and Grandpa Allen Flohrs, center, as they work on a building project.
HELPING GRANDDAUGHTER SHELBY Penner, front, with her “building blocks” of education are Grandma Kathy Penner, left and Grandpa Jonathan Penner, right. At back, Sycamore (kindergarten) teacher Sheryl Fast welcomes more grandparents to the classroom.
A DELICIOUS BREAK from classroom work were the banana/chocolate chips bars served by Head Cook Nancy Quiring. Digging into her sweet treat is Fairlane Penner, center, from the Acacia (grades one and two) class. Joining her for the snack – and the morning – are Nebraska grandparents, Glen Anderson, left and Deanna Anderson, right.
GRANDMA AND GREAT-grandma are on hand to take part with Lexi Nickel in her education process. From left, Grandma Marlys Nickel, Lexi and Great-Grandma Majean Heide.
HE MIGHT HAVE lost some of his front baby teeth, but that did not hinder Grayson Schlabach, left, in savoring his snacktime treat, which he declared as “Great!” At his side for the 2014 MLC Grandparents Day was Grandma Linda Letellier, right.
DURING SOCIAL STUDIES study time in Nordis Olson’s Oak (grades three and four) classroom, students presented the United State’s Constitution’s Bill of Rights in Readers Theatre format. From left, Karen Mugaisi, Lydia Rete, Tiegan Meyer, Aiden Penner, Lydia Cavanaugh, Meghan Johnson and Jordan Linscheid.
UKULELE STRINGS ARE plucked by Cedar (grades five and six) students in Aaron Petersen’s music class. With her eyes glued to the sheet music, Annie Borror, left, plays a chord under the watchful eye of Grandma Cheryl Derksen.
GRANDMA DONNA LEPP, left, focuses on the music and listens intently to instructions from her ukulele teacher – and grandson – Jack Lepp, right.
DON’T BE NERVOUS playing the ukulele Grandma Jean Quiring, right – even though Ludwig van Beethoven is looking over your shoulder – and taking notes. All smiles listening her grandma’s concert is Sara Quiring, left.
IT’S A GRANDMA sandwich for ukulele-playing Drayton Klassen, center. At left is Grandma Karen Klassen and at right, Grandma Cheryl Englehorn.