Seeking skaters

Windom Figure Skating Club’s registration is September 23

The Windom Figure Skating Club will be holding its registration for figure skating lessons on Tuesday, September 23. Registration for NEW skaters will be at 6 p.m. in the Windom Arena’s Community Room. Sign-up for PAST skaters will run from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Figure skating lessons are offered for those age three- through-12th grade. The skating program is from the United Figure Skating Association (USFSA). The head skating coach is Rashelle Weicherding of Sleepy Eye.

Lessons will be again be offered on Tuesdays at the Windom Arena, kicking off on October 21.

The Annual Ice Show will be the second weekend in March 2015 (Saturday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8).

Additionally, that evening, the club will be having a skate exchange to either purchase or sell used ice skates, beginning at 6 p.m.

For more information, or if you have any questions, contact Nene Smestad, Lesson Coordinator, at 831-3054 or 427-3800.


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