Primary and general election judges are named
The Butterfield City Council, at their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 14, approved a levy increase to $10,000 in order to raise the pension for Butterfield Fire Department members to $900 per year. Prior to that move, the city levied $5,500 per year, with firefighters earning a pension of $750 per year.
Election judges selected
The slate of primary and general election judges were approved and include, Don Kuhlman, Jeanne Burke, Lisa Schumann, Kelly Pauling, Misty Fast and Butterfield City Clerk Leslie Heffele.
In other business
* Failed to pass a motion to accept a bid for repair of the roof on the control building at the sewage treatment ponds. Public Works Director Brandon Winch presented two estimates for that repair to council members when he shared his maintenance report. Those two bids included one from Bargen, Inc. for $3,730 and a second from Heffele Construction for $3,880.24. Council Member Howard Madson made a motion to accept the bid from Heffele Construction, as it is a local company. The motion failed for lack of a second. Council Member Doug Meyer requested that Winch also get estimates from Haler Construction and Hempeck Construction.
* Agreed to replace both pumps at the lift station. Estimates from Dakota Pump to replace both pumps, as presented by Winch, was $40,219.23, with the cost of replacing just one pump $21,979.23.
* Learned from Winch that 36 water meter upgrades remain to be completed, at which time the entire city will have been covered.
* Discussed calcium chloride applications to gravel roads in the city. As it is late in the year, one application is probably all that will be needed.
* Purchased a vac truck from the City of St. James for $15,000; with a $2,500 down payment followed by bi-annual payments of $2,500 plus interest.
*Discussed replacing stop signs in the city, with no decision made.
* Approved the 3.2 off-sale and on-sale licenses for Buckshots Bar & Grill.
* Approved the installation of a picture window between the kitchen and living room at an apartment at 515 1st Street North.
* Left the city policy for golf carts on the Buttefield Lake Trail in place as it is a non-motorized trail. This decision was based on the response from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
* Approved the purchase of a new POS (point of sale) system for the Butterfield Liquor Store from Northern Lights at a cost of $7,550. The other bid was from Total Register Systems and was for $10,400.
* Agreed to the purchase of wood chips for Butterfield City Park, in conjunction with Butterfield/Odin Public School.
* Learned from Tom Meyer, city maintenance worker, that he will be incapacitated for six weeks following carpal tunnel surgery.
* Approved the June financial statements and bill payments.
* Scheduled a special meeting for Monday, July 28, beginning at 5 p.m. in city hall, for the 2013 audit presentation, as well as a work session on the step system and job descriptions.