Pheasants fly free

Mountain Lake FFA Chapter members release two-month-old birds

The 2014 Mountain Lake FFA Chapter Pheasant Program drew to a close on Friday, July 11 and Saturday, July 12 as the birds were set free in various wildlife locations by the members who had raised them since they were day-old chicks. Prior to their release, the birds were first banded.

The chapter purchased 550 day-old pheasants this past May 21 from the MacFarlane Pheasant Farm in Janesville, Wisconsin. The birds were purchased with donor, Mountain Lake/Odin/Ormsby Sportsmen’s Club and FFA funds.

FFA members raising the pheasants were Andrew Hempeck, Caitlin Oeltjenbruns, Hunter Quiring, Noah Fredericksen, Derek Harder, Breanna Lidtke and Alex Dunker.

Pheasant Program donors, in addition to the Mountain Lake/Odin/Ormsby Sportsmen’s Club, include Adrians Inc., Midway Farm Implement, United Prairie Bank, Odin State Bank and Laker Electric.

Photos by Chapter Advisor Tom Appel.


A PHEASANT JUST released by Hunter Quiring feels enjoys its first freedom flight.


BREANNA LIDTKE SENDS off her pheasant.


THIS PHEASANT, RELEASED by Alex Dunker, takes to the air.


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