Individual honors awarded to Little League ballplayers
Mountain Lake’s 2014 Little League season slid home to a close on Wednesday, July 2.
Winning the play-offs were the Blue Jays. In addition, Summer Rec Director Shawn Naas handed out individual honors to league ball players.
Following are photos of the champion Blue Jays, as well as those receiving season-ending accolades. The photos are by Belle Harder.
THE CHAMPS – THE Blue Jays. Front, from left, Jon Faber, Timothy Sellers, Jaden Boldt, Brooke Naas, Drayton Klassen, Eli Karschnik and Taylor Naas Back, from left, Signey Stoesz (Manager), Emilee Xayanourom, Bryce Adrian, Drake Harder, Kade Kremmin, Margo Stoesz and Ryan McCue (Manager).
HONORED BALLPLAYERS. FRONT, from left, Ian Penner (Rookie of the Year), Timothy Sellers (Most Improved), Micah Holmberg (Rookie of the Year), Brett Willaby (Mr. Defense), Abraham Stoesz (Batting Champion – .574) and Ryan Blomgren (Mr. Hustle). Back, from left, Margo Stoesz (Miss Hardball), Rylie Tollefson (Batting Champion – .604), Regan Syverson (All-Little Leaguer), Josiah Gardiner (Mr. Baseball), Drake Harder (MVP), Fletcher Hanson (Mr. Hardball), Bryce Adrian (Most At Bats – 129, Most Hits – 68 and Mr. Baseball) and Taylor Naas (Miss Baseball).