Freedom Riders announce raffle winners

Group’s Facebook page reveals results; winners’ names drawn Friday night

The Freedom Riders Motorcycle Club of Mountain Lake announced today (Saturday, June 21), the winners of their annual Pow Wow Daze at Franz Park raffle drawing. The event is held in conjunction with the Mountain Lake Pow Wow festival

The official drawing date was to be last Saturday, June 14, but the party was “stormed out.” The winners’ names were drawn on Friday night, June 20.

Following is the list of winners.

* Advanced Sale $100 cash prize winner – Greta Hudson..

* Raffle Ticket Winners:

$400 – Rich Baumann.

* $175 – Glen Zollner.

* $100 – Bill Dougherty.

* $75 – Leo Bohn.

* $50 – Jeremy Friesen

* Mark Hanson Agency’s five $20 cash prizes winners – Steve Peters, Don Malenke, Jeremy Friesen, Pat Harkin and Leah Schilling.


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