Butterfield Community Night Out centers around youth and the school
Community Night Out in Butterfield on Monday, May 19, was explicitly designed to celebrate good times with the ‘kids’ – the youth of the area as well as students from Butterfield-Odin Public School.
The event was kicked off by a free food fest in the school cafeteria featuring pork burgers, enchiladas, egg rolls and ice cream.
Up-and-down the building hallways of the school campus, student artwork and other displays were feted. Bingo was played in the Media Center, while in the lobby were games, popcorn, cotton candy, face-painting and finger-painting.
In addition, a bicycle safety presentation was given, along with rides in the Butterfield Fire Department’s truck and a visit with Watonwan County Emergency Services Director Julie Peterson.
A variety of music and entertainment provided entertainment in the gymnasium, including students who had participated in the Talent Show earlier in the year, other talent presentations and a reprise by the cast of recent spring play, “Peter Pan.”
Prior to the start of the Band and Choir concert, the fun-raising efforts for Pennies for Peace came to fruition, with the faculty member whose identified “jar” contained the most pennies, received a pie in the face. This year’s recipient – who requested a chocolate pudding pie topped with whipped cream – was mathematics instructor Dwight Lahti.
Below are photographs from the range of activities highlighting the night out event:
YOUNGSTERS WERE LINING up to take rides around Butterfield on the the Butterfield Fire Department’s Engine Number 1.
DALTON BRAATEN PUTS into practice the bicycle safety tips he learned about during a presentation in the old gym.
WATONWAN COUNTY’S EMERGENCY Management Director Julie Peterson, right, shared a colorful handout featuring a variety of summer sky scenarios – especially as hazardous weather approaches. Collecting one of the flyers is Terese Hall of Butterfield – whose family knows all too well the damage a tornado can do, as their farmsite was destroyed following a twister several years ago. Assisting Peterson was Cottonwood County Emergency Management Director Kim Hall.
HANDLING PORK BURGER duty in the free food line were Butterfield-Odin Public School Board Members Diane Peterson, left and Renee Meyer, right.
HE WAS THE winner – well – sort of. At the end of the day on Monday, mathematics teacher Dwight Lahti was the faculty members whose jar held the most pennies – a fund-raiser for Pennies For Peace. As that prestigious penny producer, Lahti received the pie-in-the-face treatment (yum – chocolate). Winning the opportunity to be the pie-in-the-face tosser was senior Aaron Wollschlager.
A GOOD-NATURED – and pie-faced Dwight Lahti, right – was more than willing to share some of his pie with pie-tosser Aaron Wollschlager, left.
“DON’T WORRY, BE Happy,” sing Aidan Hiebert, left, and Alex Knickrehm, right, as the Junior High Choir opened the Band and Choir concert with the Bobby McFerrin song. Director of the school’s vocal groups is Caley Danielson. Serving as piano accompanist was Glennda Hedlund.
ANOTHER SONG SUNG by the Junior High Choir, including Kaliana Xayaphonesongkham, left and Micala Lowe, right, was the Bill Withers number, “Lean on Me.”
UNDER THE WATCHFUL eye of the school’s instrumental director, David Stordalen, right, Brianna Ringen, left, presented the xylophone solo, “Andantino” by Wolfgang Mozart.
FIFTH/SIXTH GRADE Band flutist Alma Rodriguez lends high notes to the selection, “Fanfare Heroica,” by Brian Balmages.
TRUMPETER TYLER WALLERT focuses on his music during the song, “Cardiff Castle,” by Mark Williams, presented by the Fifth/Sixth Grade Band.
JOINING SINGING FORCES on the vocal duet, “Homeward Bound,” by M. Keen are Mackenzie Blickem, left and Hayley Johnson, right.
“AIN’T NO MOUNTAIN High Enough” to keep these Butterfield-Odin Public High School Senior High Choir from making the climb. Singing out on the Ashford & Simpson number are, from left, Miranda Thurston, Shanon Bratland and Jordan Clark.
ROSS BLOMGREN, LEFT and Harley Connell, right, helped to spread the reminder to “Don’t Stop Believin'” as given by the Senior High Choir.
THE FIFTH/SIXTH Grade Choir sang two numbers, including “Seasons of Love.” Kayla Torres, left and Elisabeth Pankratz, right, were soprano singers in the choir.
A FEW YOUNG men in performing with the Fifth/Sixth Grade Choir included, front, Parker Friedrich and back, Jordan Dougherty, left and Seth Pierson, right.
CODY KAEHLER PROVIDED deep bass notes on the baritone for the trio of Junior High Band selections.
THE QUARTET OF, from left, Ethan Sykes, Julie Saunders, Kaliana Xayaphonesongkham and Jackie Perez shared the vocal number, “Stand By Me.”
BASS CLARINETIST STEPHANIE Trejo was an integral part of the Senior High Band’s song, “St. Thomas,” by Sonny Rollins.
KRISANA XAYAPHONESONGKHAM, RIGHT, was the vocal soloist backed by the Senior High Band on the song, “You Raise Me Up.”
PAUL HANSON PERFORMED a trumpet solo as part of the Senior High Band’s number, “Port of Call,” by Michael Sweeney.
SENIOR HIGH BAND percussionist Mia Rodriguez added the sounds of the shaker during the combined Junior/Senior High Band number, “Thriller,” by Michael Jackson.
JUNIOR HIGH MUSIC Department Director’s Award winners. From left, Director of Bands David Stordalen, Kaliana Xayaphonesongkham, Dalton Wolle, Ethan Sykes, Julie Saunders and Director of Choirs Caley Danielson.
RECEIVING THE NATIONAL School Choral Award for 2014 was Arely Anaya, center, surrounded on the left by David Stordalen, Director of Bands and on the right, Caley Danielson, Director of Choirs. Anaya is an alto in Senior HIgh Choir and plays the electric bass guitar for the Senior High Band.
SENIOR HIGH MUSICIAN awards. From left, Director of Bands David Stordalen, Miranda Thurston, 2014 John Phillip Sousa Award-winner; Stephanie Trejo, 2014 Director’s Award-winner; Ross Blomgren, 2014 Double Threat Award-winner Ross Blomgren and Caley Danielson, Director of Choirs.