Music from the movies was focus of MLPS Choral Pops Concert
Music from the movies was the focus of the Monday, May 12 Mountain Lake Public School (MLPS) Music Department’s 2014 spring Choral Pops Concert, held in the school
As well, students from the High School for the Recording Arts (HSRA) in St. Paul, shared a special performance. The Mountain Lake Public High School’s (MLHS) music appreciation class – “From Haydn to Hip Hop” – taught by Andrea Brinkman, also the school’s choir director, had taken a trip to visit the students and the school in March, and the HSRA students were returning the visit.
Following is a link to the original song the MLHS classroom students and HSRA students recorded together during the field trip to St. Paul – “As Long As We Got Music”:
Senior High hosts for the event were Jenny Wright and Andrew Hempeck, with Jae Faber and Regan Syverson as Junior High hosts.
The school’s vocal director is Andrea Brinkman. Kelli Tucholke is the choreographer for the Junior High and Senior High Show Choir numbers, and Kurt Jahnke, the school’s instrumental director, is the guitar instructor for the students sharing the guitar number.
THE SENIOR HIGH Women opened the evening’s entertainment with the selection, “Safe & Sound,” from the movie, “The Hunger Games,” written by Taylor Swift and arranged by Mark Brymer. Pictured, from left, Carmen Syverson, Kassandra Tellez and Karen Soutthivong.
THE JUNIOR HIGH Show Choir (Grades 6-8) shared a couple of vocal numbers. Performing to on of them, “Life Is A Highway” from the Disney movie “Cars,” by Tom Chochrane, arranged by Alan Billingsley, are, from left, Martina Simon, Kayla Vonk and Fletcher Hanson.
MOUNTAIN LAKE PUBLIC School instrumental director Kurt Jahnke leads his guitar class students in the son, “Say Something,” by Great Big World. Rachel Dukes performed on keyboard and, in addition, shared a vocal solo.
ARISTIDES RODES FOCUSES on this guitar chords.
BOND – JAMES BOND – 007 himself would have been impressed with the Junior High Choir’s version of “Skyfall,” from the movie, “Skyfall: James Bond 007,” by Adele and arranged by Paul Langford. From left, Taylor Hudson, Jorja Lepp and Aleesha Jepsen.
THE JUNIOR HIGH Girls harmonized on the song from “Princess Diaries 2” – “Breakaway” – by Kelly Clarkson, arranged by Alan Billingsley. From left, Jewel Soutthivong, Marta Stoesz and Jenneel Rodney.
FROM THE MOVIE, “Pitch Perfect,” the Junior High Choir presented the number, “Cups,” by A. P. Carter and Luisa Gerstein, as arranged by Roger Emerson. Performing on the “cups” were, from left, Jaelin Renquist, Maurissa Isaacs, Jenneel Rodney, Brittany Garnica, Maritza Lopez and Kristina Vongkaenchanh. They were backed vocally by their fellow choir members.
ELI KARSCHNIK SHOWED his dance moves during the Junior High Choir’s selection, “Jai Ho,” from the movie, “Slumdog Millionaire,” by A. R. Rahman, arranged by Mark Brymer.
A. J. VONGSY also strutted his stuff during “Jai Ho.”
M J (HIS RECORDING artist name) a student from the High School of the Recording Arts (HSRA) in St. Paul, brought his talents to the MLPS stage.
THE THIRD MEMBER of the HSRA trio was Moe Cash (his recording artist moniker).
M J HIGH-fives a young break-dancer after his dance solo – while Moe Cash continues singing the song to which everyone onstage was dancing.
SENIOR HIGH SHOW Choir bust a move while they share the song, “Unwritten,” from NBC’s “Clash of the Choirs,” by Natasha Bedingfield and Steve Zegree. Front, Brook Sunderman; center, Kassandra Tellez, left and Ruben Fentanez, right and back, Samantha Stahl.
THE 2014 MLHS Student Talent Show Winner, Reynaldo Capetillo, demonstrated his street-dancing . . .
. . . AND PUNCTUATED THE moves with a back flip ofd the first row of the risers.
THE SONG BY the rock group, Queen, “Bohemian Rhapsody,” from the movie ‘Wayne’s World,” was given added meaning by the Senior High Choir. From left, Alexa Heffele, Jenny Wright, and Deaunna Carter-Finne.
THE GENTLEMEN OF the Senior High Choir harmonized on “Bohemian Rhapsody.” From left, Jack Wendt, Jacob Suess, Alex Sunderman, Noah Fredericksen, Joshua Fast, Tommy Kraemer, Andrew Hempeck and Demar Rodney.
SENIOR RECOGNITION WAS held following the Senior High Choir’s song “Fix You,” by the group Coldplay from “GLEE,” arranged by Adam Anders and Peer Astrom. Senior class (and Senior High Choir) members sharing the number included, from left, Dianamaria Garcia, Anita Xaykosy and Baily Koch.
IN THE SENIOR High Choir finale, “Bellas Finals,” from “Pitch Perfect,” Lydia Hildebrandt was lifted into the air by Zach Dickens, left, supported by Joshua Grev and Alex Gerdes, right, supported by Ben Grev. At left, Meredith Suess, Hannah Stoesz, Aaron Fast, Ryan McCue, Karen Soutthivong and Ethan Karschnik, as spotter. At right, Caleb Rempel, Kalley Rempel, Rebekah Klassen, Ruben Fentanez, Sam Xayanourom, Alexis Jellema-Baerg and as spotter out front, Ian Glassic.
GRADES SIX THROUGH 12 closed the evening’s program with the mass choir selection of the “Frozen Medley,” from Disney’s movie, “Frozen.” From left, Ian Glassic, Luke Rogers and Dylan Hanson.
ONE SECTION OF the groups taking part in the mass choir.