End-of-year student accolades

MLHS presents senior 3-sport athletes, fine arts awards

In separate events, Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) presented end-of-year accolades to deserving students, including graduating senior three-sport athletes, drama participants, music participants, student council members, honor roll achievers, Knowledge Bowl members for both Junior High and Senior High, University of South Dakota computer programming contest competitors and a smattering of scholarship recipients.

Below are photographs of some of the award winners:

three sports winners
MLHS ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Adam Bibbs presented plaques to graduating seniors who were three-sports participants – during the fall, winter and spring sports seasons. Receiving plaques were, front, from left, Mikayla Falk, Brooke Fast and Jordan Syverson. Back, from left, Hunter Quiring, Andrew Hempeck, Tylor Duerksen, Levi Blahnik, Zach Dickens, Alex Gerdes, Josh Grev, Jose Gonzales, Demar Rodney and Carter Kirk.


drama awards
ONE-ACT AND spring musical director Julie Brugman presented Outstanding Actress/Actor awards for each of the school’s drama productions, as well as a special Director’s Award. Receiving awards were seated, Josh Grev, left, Best Actor (Brer Fox in the one-act play “Livin’ de Life” and Benjamin in the spring musical “Seven Brides for Seven  Brothers”) and Carmen Syverson, right, Best Actress (Miss Meadow Mouse in “Livin’ de Life” and Milly in “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”). Back, from left, Sam Grev, Outstanding Actor as Gideon and Jenny Wright, Outstanding Actress as Alice in the spring musical, “Steven Brides for Seven Brothers,” as well as Ben Grev, Outstanding Actor as Brer Rabbit and Lydia Hildebrandt, Outstanding Actress as Aunt Mammy Bammy in the one-act play, “Livin’ de Life.”


zach fredericksen
BRUGMAN ALSO PRESENTED the first ever Director’s Award to Zach Fredericksen for his years of participation in (performing in 11 shows since seventh-grade, including two trips to the Minnesota State Class A One-Act Play Festival) – and the love of – the theater.


josh grev
THE SCHOOL’S INSTRUMENTAL Director Kurt Jahnke presented the Patrick Gilmore Award to senior trumpet-player Josh Grev. The award is presented to a senior who has shown consistent leadership and musicianship throughout his/her band career.


josh fast
JAHNKE ALSO PRESENTED two John Philip Sousa Awards to seniors who have shown outstanding leadership and musicianship throughout his/her band career, This is the highest honor that a band program can give to its graduating seniors. Receiving the award in 2014 were, Josh Fast on French horn . . .


band - christian pfeiffer
. . . AND CHRISTIAN PFEIFFER on tenor saxophone



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