Address issues related to the lake, beach, trail
The Lake Commission held its regular June monthly meeting on Monday, June 12, in Mountain Lake City Hall. (The Lake Commission meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30 p. m.
Commission members addressed a number of issues related to Mountain Lake, the lake’s beach area and the Mountain Lake Trail.
Lake Commission Chair Jason Kruser noted that a $12,000 Cottonwood County Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Grant was placed into savings.
During Open Forum, Rachel Yoder, who, along with her husband, Ken, own land adjacent to the Mountain Lake Trail, requested that the city keep within two feet on either side of the trail when mowing.
Information concerning Mountain Lake
+ The weed harvester had broken down, however Doyle Janzen found a way to temporarily fix it until he can take it apart in the fall and do a more complete repair job.
+ To date, Jim Peterson, Lake Commission member and Bob Ewert have been harvester operators. Chair Kruser will also be on board as an operator. Mitchell Fisher and Travis Martin will be trained to be operators as well.
+ Lake Commission member Mike James is taking Secchi disk readings, and reported that lake clarity is currently at 4.5 feet. The Secchi disk, created in 1865 by Angelo Secchi, is a plain white, circular disk mounted on a pole or line and lowered slowly down into the water in order to measure the water’s transparency.
+ Tim Penner has expressed an interest in taking the aquatic plants that are removed from the lake by the weed harvester. However, the city hauls them to the dump and uses them for compost.
Information concerning the lake’s beach
+ Lake Commission members approved adding sand to the beach up to the water line, with the amount of sand needed to be determined by the city.
+ A work night will be scheduled in July in order to rake weeds out of the beach area.
+ A grant in the amount of $1,000 was received from the Mountain Lake Area Foundation for the fire ring and pergola project in the beach area.
Information on the Mountain Lake Trail
+ Engineers Bolton and Menk are currently taking elevations to determine the best solution for the drainage problems at Lawcon Park as well as on the trail by the Yoders’ property.
+ Travis Martin has been hired for 20 hours a week to work on trail and lake projects. Some of his duties include:
- Mowing and weed whipping.
- Poison ivy control on the island.
- Cleaning up the rain garden along Cottonwood County Road #29 and the food forest located in Lawcon Park.
- General clean-up along the trail and lake.
- Watering of new trees.
- Spraying of weeds pushing up through pavement.
- Crack filling.
- Removal of Black Locust by the overlook – if time allows.
+ Lake Commission member Dave Bucklin filled four cracks in the trail, using one gallon of crack filler.