Mountain Lake Community Men’s Chorus presents annual concert
Tenors, baritones and basses – the deep voices in vocal music – were raised in song during the annual Mountain Lake Community Men’s Chorus concert, held Sunday afternoon, April 13, in Lakeview Gospel Church in Mountain Lake.
Following are a few photographs from the event:
MOUNTAIN LAKE COMMUNITY Men’s Chorus director and accompanist, Wendell Mills, shares some thoughts with the crowd.
MEN OF VARYING faith communities, home communities – and ages – combine in songs of inspiration. Front, from left, Brian Schultz, LeRoy Harder and Lee Erickson. Back, from left, Jesse Hiebert and Gilbert Friesen.
PETER KUFAHL, PASTOR at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mountain Lake, adds his voice to the chorus.
SINGING IN PERFECT harmony. Front, Doug Regehr, left and Willard Dick, right. Back, Joel Rahn, left and Gerald Rahn, right.
A PHOTO OF the entire Mountain Lake Community Men’s Chorus, and director and accompanist at the keyboard.