‘Music In Our Schools Month’ unites two Minnesota schools

MLHS Haydn-to-Hip Hop class visits St. Paul’s HSRA

In celebration of March as “Music In Our Schools Month,” Mountain Lake Public High School’s (MLHS) music and vocal teacher, Andrea Brinkman, took her Haydn-to Hip-Hop class on a field trip to the HSRA (High School for Recording Arts) in St. Paul on Wednesday, March 26.

Brinkman learned of the school through reading a book called, “Hip Hop Genius,” by Sam Seidel. She found the philosophies espoused in the book about music and education very inspirational, and was determined she HAD to take her students to the non-traditional school.  For more on the HSRA, check out the school’s web site: http://www.hsra.org/.

The MLHS students spent the day with the HRSA students, and ended up recording a song the HSRA students helped them write and create – “As Long As We Got Music.”  The entire class recorded the chorus, and Ben Grev, Lydia Hildebrandt, Austin Rogers and Kaylee Wolle rapped the verses.

According to Brinkman, “My students seemed to be highly impacted by this visit. A group of HSRA students and staff will visit Mountain Lake for the Monday, March 12 Pops Concert. Some of the HSRA students will additionally perform at the concert.”

Below are some photographs Brinkman snapped of the day’s events:

byron franz HSRA
BYRON FRANZ ON the HSRA drum set in the instrumental recording studio.


austin rogers hsra
AUSTIN ROGERS LAYING his vocal track in the vocal recording studio.


kaylee wolle hsra
KAYLEE WOLLE RECORDS her vocal tracks for the song the HSRA students helped the Mountain Lake Public High School’s Haydn-to-Hip Hop music class write.


again kaylee wolle hsra
KAYLEE WOLLE, RIGHT, is assisted by an HSRA student – Moe Cash (his rap name), left.


daniel harder hsra
DANIEL HARDER, RIGHT, sits with an HSRA sound engineer as he learns how to use the equipment in the recording studio’s control room.


class at HSRA
A GROUP SHOT of the MLHS students and some HSRA students in the recording studio.
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