Lost: Two labrador retrievers

ANOTHER UPDATE 3-23-2014:  Two labs reported missing and belong to Rich Gisch of rural Mountain Lake have returned home on their own. He thanks all those who kept a lookout for the animals.

UPDATE: This Fox Red Labrador puppy (pictures at 8 weeks of age is now 13 weeks, and his companion, a large Black Labrador (approximately 3 years in age). The black lab is said to be wearing a camo collar and the fox red Lab was wearing a blue collar and has an AKC CAR microchip, both dogs are male. The fox red lab is just a 13 week old PUPPY the black is an adult.

red and buddy
TWO LABRADOR RETRIEVERS have been reported lost eight miles northwest of Mountain Lake, Minnesota. One – named “Buddy” – is a 9-year-old black lab with camo collar and the second – named “Red” – is a 4-month-old red lab with blue collar and tags with chip. Call 822-0223 with any information.

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