The Bingham Lake City Council invites interested citizens to an informational open house regarding the Highway #60 four-lane construction project on Thursday, March 27, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., in the Bingham Lake Community Center, located at 1021 2nd Avenue.
Included will be a review of the proposed Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) intersection construction design for Highway 60 from Cottonwood County Road #2 to Cottonwood County Road #44 and how those changes will impact traffic. Maps of proposed construction and possible alternatives will also be available for review and discussion.
MnDOT representatives will be on hand to answer questions.
Comments at the open house will provide the city council and MnDOT with information needed to assist with the design of Highway #60 through the City of Bingham Lake.
One option being considered at Cottonwood County Road #2 can be found in the following article: Reduced Conflict Intersection