2015-2016 Cobra kudos

Wiens, Spinks, Borsgard named to Big South All-Conference Team

The Windom/Mountain Lake (W/ML) Cobra Wrestling Team held its season-ending banquet on Monday evening, March 28, in the Mountain Lake Public School cafeteria.

Below is a photo gallery of award winners:



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THREE COBRAS WERE named to the 2015-2016 Big South All-Conference Wrestling Team from the West Division. They include, from left, freshmen Zach Spinks and Alex Borsgard and junior Evan Wiens. (Photo courtesy of Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling).



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THE SAME TRIO reached some important wrestling milestones during the 2015-2016 season. They all made the “60 Club” – with 60 match wins; and Alex Borsgard also earned the 75 wins Minnesota patch from The Guillotine, a newsmagazine and web site that covers amateur wrestling in Minnesota. From left, Alex Borsgard, Evan Wiens and Zach Spinks. (Photo courtesy of Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling)



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BORSGARD, WIENS AND Spinks also recorded the most Varsity falls during the season – each with 16. From left, Alex Borsgard, Evan Wiens and Zach Spinks. (Photo courtesy of Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling)



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EVAN WIENS EARNED the Varsity Coach’s Award as the hardest worker. (Photo courtesy of Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling)



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ALEX BORSGARD WAS recognized as Varsity MVP (Most Valuable Player) – and as the Varsity wrestler with the most takedowns. (Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling)



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YANICK TADE WAS presented with a plaque for Varsity Most Improved. (Photo courtesy of Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling)



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NAMED AS JUNIOR Varsity MVP – and as the Junior Varsity wrestler with the most takedowns – was Brett Willaby. (Photo courtesy of Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling)



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TRENTON RENQUIST WAS recognized as the Junior Varsity wrestler with the most falls. (Photo courtesy of Windom/Mountain Lake Cobra Wrestling)



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