THE MOUNTAIN LAKE Area Foundation (MLAF) distributed grant funds to five local entities on Monday, March 7. Receiving monies were the City of Mountain Lake/Mountain Lake Police Department, $1,300 for summertime Bike Rodeo activities (bike helmets, stickers, good bicyclist ice cream coupons, bike taillights, etc.); $522 for the General Bike Fund (city signage/painting/maps of the Mountain Lake Bike Route and maintenance/repair of city’s shared bicycles); $1,440 for the Mountain Lake Community Loaves and Fishes Food Shelf, $952 for the Mountain Lake Public School Indoor Pool and $307 for Mountain Lake Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE). Pictured above, from left, MLAF Treasurer Tim Swoboda, Sarah Roach representing ECFE, MLAF Secretary Misty Karschnik, Mountain Lake Police Chief Doug Bristol for the City of Mountain Lake/Mountain Lake Police Department Bike Rodeos and MLAF Director Joyce Bucklin.