MLC orators compete in Mankato East Fiesta Invitational Speech Tourney
IT WAS A “fiesta” for Mountain Lake Christian (MLC) orators when they competed in the Saturday, February 27 Mankato East Fiesta Invitational Speech Tournament. Not only did a trio of speakers earn awards, but the team brought home the third-place Limited Entry (Small School) trophy. In addition, the MLC Speech Team came in second n the “Find Fiesta Pete” game. Senior Josh Raabe of Mountain Lake placed second in Humorous, senior Melissa Lohrenz of Mountain Lake was third in Drama and Butterfield seventh-grader Sara Quiring a fifth-place spot in Novice Prose. Also competing were two other seventh-grade students, Zoey Smith of St. James in Great Speeches and Elizabeth Linscheid of Butterfield in Original Oratory. There were approximately 20 schools in the competition, with just under 300 entries. Next up is a junior high meet at Mankato Loyola on Thursday, March 3 and for the varsity, the Fairmont Cardinal Invitational on Saturday, March 5. Coaches are Kim Friesen and Elijah Stoesz. Above, from left, Josh Raabe, Melissa Lohrenz and Sara Quiring – each with their individual awards, with Raabe and Lohrenz holding the team trophy. (Kim Friesen photo)