Address lengthy list of agenda items up for discussion
The Mountain Lake Public School Board named the extra-curricular assignments for spring 2014 during their regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 24.
Those assignments are as follows:
* Brian Hopwood – Varsity Head Softball Coach, $3,550.
* Kjell Eken – Junior Varsity Softball Coach, $2,400.
* Shawn Naas – Junior High Softball Coach, $2,400.
* McKenzie Hopwood – Junior High Softball Coach, $2,400.
* Tim Snyder – Varsity Head Baseball Coach, $3,550.
* Tim Kirk – Assistant Baseball Coach, $2,400.
* Stephen Funk – Junior Varsity Baseball Coach, $1,600.
* Ryan Jans – Junior High Baseball Coach, $1,600.
* Nick Kvam – Junior High Baseball Coach, $1,600.
* Paul Metcalf – Varsity Head Track-and-Field Coach, $4,200.
* Scott Boelke – Assistant Track-and-Field Coach, $3,200.
* Matt Anderson – Assistant Track-and-Field Coach, $3,200.
* Brian Oeltjenbruns – Assistant Track-and-Field Coach, $3,200.
* Kevin Walzak – Varsity Head Golf Coach, $3,550.
* Julie Brugman – Spring Musical Director, $2,500.
* Andrea Brinkman – Spring Musical Vocal Director, $1,800.
List of discussion topics
Discussion agenda items for the board included the school board vacancy, snow days make-up report, Mountain Lake Booster Club progress on auditorium sound system, presentation from the Personnel/Negotiation Committee and the SMAC Report.
In other business
* Authorized the Mountain Lake Public School District Administration to initiate a procurement to request written quotations for student transportation services beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, for a period of time not more than two years, but with an option for an additional one or two years.
* Approved posting for Afterschool Reading/Math teachers.
* Hired Doug Penner as a full-time school bus driver at $1,260 per month.
* Hired Annette Kunkel, Joan Raabe, Darcy Snyder and Mary Brown as after-school teachers at $21 per hour.
*Gave Kim Naas, School District Bookkeeper, the authority to transfer up to $1,000 between bank accounts held with United Prairie Bank.
* Approved Pam Osland and Jean Haberman as Science Fair Advisors at $450 each.
* Approved the Mountain Lake Education Association Seniority List as presented.
* Sest the mileage reimbursement rate at $0.56 per mile, following the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) recommendation.
*Let the gas/diesel bids.
*Approved the 2014-2015 Southwest/West Central Cooperative contract.