Walkin’ through the country

Fundraisers support walking path construction at Good Samaritan Society of Mountain Lake

It will be like walkin’ through the country when residents, tenants, families and friends take a stroll on the new walking paths being constructed at Good Samaritan Society of Mountain Lake.

The new walkways, courtesy of fundraisers, will reach west from The Lodge, the assisted-living facility and back around to the east, connecting up to the back parking lot of The Village, the nursing care facility – linking with the Mountain Lake Trail for a stretch.

Even more walking paths are being added on the grounds between The Lodge and The Village.

Funds for the walking paths were raised at the Good Samaritan Bowl, held Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3 at Memory Lanes in St. James, as well as from the Saturday, August 22 Good Sam Color Jam, held on a route around the Mountain Lake Good Sam facilities.

Monies collected during the Good Samaritan Bowl were split 50/50 between the Good Samaritan Societies in Mountain Lake and St. James. Fees collected from the participants in the two-mile and three-mile runs that were part of the Color Jam also were earmarked for the walkway construction.

Construction is being completed by BKC Construction, Inc, Concrete Contractors, of St. James.


walking paths 1
WORKERS PLOT OUT the walking path from The Lodge, at left, down Seventh Avenue, west to the Mountain Lake Trail along Golf Course Road.


walking paths 2
FOR A TIME the Mountain Lake Trail is used as a path, until the new walking path breaks off to head back east to the Good Samaritan Society of Mountain Lake-The Village, towards the facility’s back parking lot.


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