MLHS’ ‘State Fair’ will be ‘our State Fair’

Fall Musical Director Julie Brugman to include community onstage with student actors


statefair-medalOur state fair is a great state fair,

Don’t miss it, don’t even be late.

It’s dollars to donuts

That our state fair

Is the best state fair in our state.

Next week is the Cottonwood County Fair.

And, of course, the Great Minnesota Get-Together – the Minnesota State Fair – will run the closing days of August, concluding on Labor Day.

However, there is going to be another “State Fair” to enjoy – right here in Mountain Lake.

Julie Brugman, Mountain Lake Public High School Fall Musical Director, has just announced that this year’s fall musical – “State Fair” – will become “our State Fair” with a joint onstage effort between the high school student actors of the Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) Drama Department – and the community.

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“We are going to include the entire community in the high school’s fall musical,” expresses Brumgan. “Tryouts will opened up the community as well as the students. Due to date changes by the Minnesota State High School League, the play dates have been moved up from the end of November to the first weekend of the month.”

Because of this shift, Brugman cannot wait until the start of the new school year to have auditions. To that end, Brugman, along with the musical production’s music director, Mountain Lake Public High School Choir Director Andrea Brinkman, will hold tryouts next Tuesday August 18, beginning at 7 p.m., in the school’s auditorium. If not able to attend, contact Brugman at 507-822-2678 or Brinkman at 507-822-2206.

“State Fair” is a musical with a book by Tom Briggs and Louis Mattioli; lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and music by Richard Rodgers.

In late summer 1946, the farming Frake family of Iowa make plans to attend the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines for a three-day adventure. Parents Abel Frake and Melissa Frake are hoping to win a few blue ribbons at the fair; Abel for his prize boar and Melissa for her mincemeat. Meanwhile, their daughter and son, Margy and Wayne, are more interested in finding romance on the Midway.

At the fair, Wayne meets Emily Arden, a singer, and falls instantly in love. Margy, too, has romantic success, meeting Pat, a reporter.

And, Melissa’s mincemeat does indeed earn her a blue ribbon.

On a very busy last day of the fair, Abel’s boar also receives a blue ribbon, Emily breaks off the growing relationship between Wayne and herself and Pat must leave Des Moines – and Margy – for a new job.

Back home on the farm, Wayne returns to his old girlfriend, Eleanor. And, in a twist, Pat arrives unexpectedly and asks Margy to marry him; a proposal which Margy happily accepts.

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