Hope was in the air

17th annual Cottonwood County American Cancer Society Relay For Life Friday evening


relay for hope 2015



Step-by-step, American Cancer Society Relays for Life have worn a well-trod path raising funds for cancer research. This year -2015 – is no different, and those countless steps from over the past years – backed by this year’s relays – are focused on nearing the end of the walk, eyeing to “Finish The Fight” and find a cure for cancer.

The 17th annual Cottonwood County Relay For Life was held Friday evening, July 25, from 4 p.m. to midnight, at Tegels Park in Windom, along the shores of Cottonwood Lake.

A survivor of cancer is anyone who has ever had a diagnosis of cancer, whether recently, several years ago or even many years ago.

The 2015 Cottonwood County Relay For Life Honorary Chairpersons included Scott Golinghorst of Mountain Lake: Jan Duscher, Linda Mix, Dick Noyes, Nancy Rogers, Ray Salzwedel and Karen Sell, all of Windom; Joan Giese of Jeffers and Orland Norstegard of Westbrook.

Also recognized were area high schools that participated in Coaches vs. Cancer events. These included the Mountain Lake Area Wolverines girls and boys basketball teams, the Windom Area Public High School Eagles volleyball team and the Windom Area Public High School Eagles boys basketball team.

Cancer affects one out of three Americans. You – or someone you love – will get cancer sometime in your life. The American Cancer Society has been a leader in cancer prevention and research since 1913.

The 2015 Watonwan County Relay for Life was also held on Friday evening from 4 p.m. to midnight, at the Watonwan County Fairgrounds in St. James.





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THEY ONCE LIVED on neighboring farm sites south of Mountain Lake – and are now back together at the 2015 Cottonwood County Relay for Life – this time as cancer survivors. Left, Jim Swanson of Mountain Lake and right, Marcia (Winker) LIbra of Windom.
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A CLOTHESLINE STRUNG with all of the colorful Cottonwood County Relay for Life T-shirts from over the years.
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MAYNARD ANDERSON OF Mountain Lake was honored in this luminaria – one of the many lining each side of the walking path at Tegels Park.
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IN FACT, MANY members of Maynard’s family turned out to support him in person as members of Team MAXimize Life – and participating in Relay Masterpieces, including his wife, Ginger Anderson. In the background is an example of the finished project. Relay painters had the opportunity to create up to three paintings.
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ALSO TAPPING INTO their creative sides were Maynard’s daughter, Misty Karschnik, left, along with granddaughter-in-law (Misty’s daughter-in-law), Lindsey Karschnik, center, and great-granddaughter (Misty’s granddaughter), Delilah Kasrchnik, right.
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THE 2015 RELAY was touted as Family Friendly – with plenty of things for kids (of all ages) to do. There was a petting zoo – that included Thelma the Pig, pictured above – bag decorating, face painting, decorating the path with sidewalk chalk, children’s lap and balloon release.
MOUNTAIN LAKE AREA’S representative as a Honorary Chairperson for the 2015 Cottonwood County Relay for Life was Scott Golinghorst. Scott was unable to attend the Friday Relay, but this is a photo of him taking the Survivors’ Lap in 2014.
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ANOTHER ONE OF the Honorary Chairpersons was Linda Mix of Windom. Linda once was an English teacher, play director and speech coach at Mountain Lake Public High School. She is today a 20-year breast cancer survivor.
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CANCER SURVIVOR WENDELL Klassen of Mountain Lake, walks the Survivors’ Lap.
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PRESENTING THE NATIONAL Anthem at the Relay’s program – as well as additional music later in the evening – was Lynn Stoneking of Delft. Additional performers were Rachel Axford and Sarah Cartwright and Chris Schneider, all of Windom.
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ONE VIEW OF the line-up of luminarias twisting and turning their way along the path at Tegels Park.
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A LUMINARIA HONORING the spirit and spunk of survivor – 98-years-young Mary (Mrs. Harm) Johnson of Mountain Lake.
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CANCER SURVIVOR ELSIE Schultz of Mountain Lake, second from left, spent the special evening with son Kerry Suderman, left, of Mountain Lake, along with daughter-in-law, Deanna Suderman, second from right, and one of their three sons, Jordan, right.
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CALVIN REMPEL OF Mountain Lake kneels at the luminaria in memory of his late wife, Jennifer. Jennifer passed away from cancer almost four years ago.
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WOMEN FROM ACROSS the generations stroll the winding path of luminarias together.
luminaries liggt pig is thelma
DUSK COMES TO Tegels Park and the luminarias are lit. The lighting of the luminarias was followed by a Movie in the Par. (Photo courtesy of the Cottonwood County Relay for Life)
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