Ladies of the Land

Joint agencies to host evening of information, fellowship for the women of Cottonwood, Watonwan Counties


ladies of the land


The Farm Service Agency (USDA-FSA), Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) and Land Management/Soil and Water Conservation District offices are presenting an evening of information and fellowship for the women of Cottonwood County and Watonwan County – at no cost – on Tuesday, June 2, at the St. James VFW Club. The VFW Club is located at 4 7th Street South in St. James.

The event – Ladies of the Land – will open with a 5:30 p.m. registration, followed by a light meal and speakers on a variety of topics. All women, regardless of age, or role in agriculture are encouraged to attend this evening of entertainment and education. This second annual event is for anyone with an interest in the topics presented regardless of gender. Ladies of the Land promises to be a fun, interactive and educational evening.

All women are tied to agriculture in some capacity. The most basic connection is through the food they or their family members consume. These women may also be a farmer, own or be a part of an agri-business or operate a non-ag-related business in rural communities. With the increased focus on agricultural practices and their effect on the nation’s food supply, this event offers factual information that affects daily lives. Material presented will center on the foods produced and consumed, the dollars and cents of farming and the employees in businesses and communities, as well as applying good conservation practices to our land and water.

This year’s featured speakers include:

* Farm Advocacy and Social Media – Wanda Patsche, Farmer/Blogger/Farm “Agvocate.”

Pollinators in Rural Landscapes – Loretta Ortiz-Ribbing, Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

Pollinator-Friendly Plants – Greg Tennant, Brown County Master Gardener.

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This free event provides a great opportunity to connect with one another and gain a better understanding of factors affecting the communities lived in, as well as gain a strong connection to those affecting daily lives – as neighbors, as part of a church family or at local markets.

Additional sponsors of this event include the Watonwan Corn and Soybean Growers, Watonwan County Farm Bureau, WFS (Watonwan Farm Service) and Crystal Valley Cooperative.

Space at this event is limited, so those wishing to attend are asked to please contact Teresa Holmquist at the USDA-FSA office at 507-375-3191, Extension #2 by Friday, May 22, or e-mail to register.

Persons with disabilities who require accommodations to attend or participate in this event should contact Linda Stuckenbroker at 507-375-3191, Extension #2 or the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 by Thursday, May 28.

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