Ready to reign over B-OHS Homecoming Week 2017
King Lukas Pierson and Queen Mercedes Lenning will reign over Homecoming Week 2017 at Butterfield-Odin Public High School (B-OHS).
King Lukas, the son of Anders and Sheila Pierson and Queen Mercedes, daughter of Curt Lenning and Bev Lenning, received their royal titles during a coronation ceremony held this evening (Monday, September 25) in the Butterfield-Odin Public School big gymnasium.
Additional senior class King candidates included:
- Evan Hanson.
- Jorge Herrera.
- Braulio Rodriguez.
The remaining senior class Queen candidates were:
- Micala Lowe.
- Jacklin Oviedo.
- Julie Saunders.
Serving as Master of Ceremonies was junior Devon Aguilar, with another junior, Kaliana Xayaphonesongkham, serving as Mistress of Ceremonies.
Junior escorts were Kylie Fisch and Danny Ambrocio-Sanchez.
The ceremony included the presentation of the selection “25 or 6 to 4” by the B-OHS Senior High Band, led by Joshua Tonkin, as well as the number “Writings on the Wall” by the B-OHS Senior High Choir, directed by Sean Benz, accompanied on piano by Karen Hiebert.
St. James High School Activities Director Les Zellman was on hand to introduce B-OHS students participating in St. James Area Saints football, cross country, volleyball and girls tennis.
Several B-OHS students added their solo vocal musical talents to the program’s line-up, with a pair of Queen candidates among the entertainers. Julie Saunders sang the song “Hallelujah,” while Micala Lowe shared “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” Both were accompanied on piano by Benz. Kylie Fisch, accompanied on guitar by Aracely Anaya, presented the vocal selection “Day Dream.”
A “Family Feud” contest pitted the King candidates face-to-face against the Queen candidates, with the quartet of King candidates taking the game show victory. Xayaphonesongkham served as the show’s host. B-OHS students in grades seven and 11 were surveyed to provide the answers to the “Feud” questions.
Performing the duty of presenting the new royal couple to their subjects were Xayaphonesongkham, crowning King Lukas, with Aguilar setting the tiara on the head of Queen Mercedes.
The entire royal family exited the gymnasium to the School Song, led by the B-OHS Senior High Band and Senior High Choir.
Remaining activities for this Homecoming Week 2017 include:
- Tuesday, September 26 – Senior Dress-Up Day; St. James Area Invitational Boys and Girls Cross Country at St. James Golf Course, 4:15 p.m.; Junior High Girls Tennis at Fairmont, 4:30 p.m.; 7th Grade Football at Redwood Falls versus Redwood Valley, 4:45 p.m.; “C” Volleyball at St. James High School versus Martin Luther-GHEC-Truman, 4:45 p.m.; 8th Grade Football at Redwood Falls versus Redwood Valley, 5:30 p.m.; “B” Volleyball at St. James High School versus Martin Luther-GHEC-Truman, 6 p.m. and Varsity Volleyball at St. James High School versus Martin Luther-GHEC-Truman, 7:15 p.m.
- Wednesday, September 27 – Class Color Dress-Up Day.
- Thursday, September 28 – Human Trash Can Dress-Up Day.
- Friday, September 29 – School Colors Saints Pride Dress-Up Day; Homecoming Football Game at Sleepy Eye Public versus the Luverne Cardinals, 7 p.m.
- Saturday, September 30 – Varsity Girls Tennis at St. James High School Tennis Courts versus Blue Earth Area, Rochester Lourdes and St. Peter, 9 a.m. and 7th Grade and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Jamboree at St. James High School versus Fairmont, Sleepy Eye and St. Peter, 9 a.m..
Following is a photo gallery from this evening’s coronation ceremony: