First Presbyterian Church to host ‘Songs on the Lawn’ featuring Bullypulpit Blue Grass Brand
USING THE “BULLYPULPIT” to share their music. The “Bullypulpit Blue Grass Band will be performing on Sunday afternoon, August 6, beginning at 4 p.m., on the back lawn of the First Presbyterian Church in Mountain Lake. In case of rain, the concert will be held inside the church. Those attending are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets. Root beer floats will be served. All are welcome. A free will offering collected will be earmarked for the Mountain Lake Area Foundation. The church family is using this as a way to give back to the community. Band members, who play for the pure enjoyment of traditional bluegrass music include, from left, Loren Halvorson on guitar, Ron Affolter on bass, Joe Kunkel on banjo and Doug Becken on fiddle. The church is located at 1217 6th Avenue.