Good Samaritan Society-Mountain Lake sponsoring annual Walkway of Flags

The Good Samaritan Society-Mountain Lake is sponsoring a Walkway of Flags over the Fourth of July holiday (Friday, June 30-Wednesday, July 5).
The Walkway of Flags project honors the courage of area men and women, however they served – whether in the armed forces, in their communities or by supporting their families. It takes bravery for all of these – to be a soldier, to raise children, to care for the elderly or disabled, to teach a class, to work on a farm or to run a small business. It is these “everyday heroes” for which the Walkway of Flags is designed.
Over the course of the Fourth of July holiday, sidewalks at Mountain Lake City Park will be lined with small American flags, each flag bearing the name of a person honored through a gift to Good Samaritan Society-Mountain Lake. Following the weekend, the flags will continue to be displayed throughout the month of July around the grounds of the Good Samaritan Society communities – The Village and The Lodge. These flags will stand as a powerful testament to the love of, and service to, country, community and family.
To participate, donate any size of monetary gift, and submit the name of the person or persons being honored – before Thursday, June 29. Then, take a stroll through the flags during the holiday and take the time to read the name on each flag – the name of an everyday hero, quite possibly your neighbor, friend, relative – of just someone whose name you recognize.
All proceeds will be used to improve the lives of those living at Good Samaritan Society-Mountain Lake communities – all courageous everyday folks in their own right. Monies could be used to plant trees on the campus grounds to provide cool shade on a hot summer day, an outdoor grill for roasting marshmallows with friends, a new lighted outdoor nativity sculpture or furnishings in residents/tenants rooms. Any of these would provide Good Samaritan Society-Mountain Lake residents and tenants with the feeling of being surrounded by caring and love in a homelike environment.