Tools for invention

Invention Project science camp at MLPS in search of recyclables to ‘upcycle’


The Invention Project, a science camp slated to run from Monday, July 10 through Thursday, July 13 at Mountain Lake Public School (MLPS) is in search of recyclable materials in order to “upcycle” them. Students will use these materials to create their own invention prototypes during the camp.

Recyclables can be brought to the Mountain Lake Public High School Office from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday – until Thursday, July 6. All materials should be clean.

Acceptable recyclables for invention “upcycling” include the following:

+ Beads, buttons, fabric and craft supplies.

+ Boxes (shoe, cereal, etc. – unflattened).

+ Bubble wrap.

+ Foam trays.

+ Paper towel tubes.

+ Containers/lids.

+ Oatmeal containers.

+ Film canisters.

+ Game parts.

+ Pinwheels.

+ Building blocks.

+ CDs.

+ Miscellaneous paper (magazines, craft, newspaper, wrapping, etc.).

+ Rubber bands.

+ Sporting goods and balls (no golf clubs or bats).

+ Strainers.

+ Washers.

+ Pulleys.

+ Strings.

+ Springs.

Inventing the possible – background on the Invention Project

The Invention Project is a four-day summertime experience that balances STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) content and entrepreneurial concepts. During the four days in July, local students from current grades 5-8 work will through 12 sessions related to the invention cycle. The curriculum is published by the National Inventors Hall of Fame and delivered to the students by licensed teachers.

Participants will explore possibilities through dreaming, designing, engineering and marketing. They will also be challenged to create their own invention while learning the principles of business such as rapid prototyping, marketing, shipping and profit.

The end goal of teaming together science technology and entrepreneurship is to stimulate interest in STEM among junior high students by providing experiences not typically found in the regular classroom.

In addition to the 12 invention cycle sessions, two additional components, Move and Hangout, will also be used. Move consists of games with a purpose related to creativity. Hangout is activities for small groups at the beginning and end of each day. These components foster relationship building among the students and encourage physical activity for a health lifestyle.

The sessions will taught by three licensed teachers from the school district qualified in ccience or from upper elementary grade levels. Three high school or college student assistants will help with the project.

In addition, Taher Inc., the school’s lunch program, offers free breakfast and lunch in the summer. These free meals will be incorporated into each Invention Project day.

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