Mountain Lake Active Living Committee survey will prioritize projects to keep local residents moving

Take care of you body. It’s the only one you have.
Do this by remaning physically active.
The Mountain Lake Active Living Committee has been pro-active in finding ways for citizens to keep active, as well as planning for more physical activities for folks to do.
Currently, according to Amber Hughes, Community Wellness Partners Active Living, Workplace Wellness and Diabetes Prevention Lead for Des Moines Valley Health & Human Services – and member of the Mountain Lake Active Living Committee – the group is conducting an online community survey. Their end goal is to gauge community needs and interests in order to update the city’s current Active Living Plan to prioritize projects that are important to residents.
The link to the survey is:
The survey – to be answered online – contains the following four questions:
1.) What pedestrian/bicycle/recreational infrastructure would you like to see repaird or built in Mountain Lake? (Choose all that apply, or add your own)
- Swimming Pool.
- Tennis Court Rehab.
- Trail Bridge Repair/Replacement.
- Benches.
- Sand Volleyball at Lawcon Park.
- Ice Skating Rink Warming House.
- Splash Pad.
- Skateboard or Rollerblade Park.
- Canoe/Kayak/Paddleboat Rental.
- Bicycle Rental.
- Off-Road Mountain Biking Course.
- Horseshoes.
- Indoor Activity.
- Dog Park.
- Soccer.
- Other –
2.) What factors stop you from being more physically active than you currently are? –
3.) Are there any educational events or recreational programming you would like to see conducted in Mountain Lake (example: regular group walk/run/bike ride, community sport league, etc.? –
4.) What specific areas of Mountain Lake are safety concerns for you (i.e.: streets, crosswalks, sidewalks, traffic, law enforcement, etc.)? –
As well, the Active Living Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday or each month from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Mountain Lake City Hall – and they are always looking for more members!