Crevier family brings their basketball show to Mountain Lake
It will be a “spin-tastic” kind of Mountain Lake Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Family Night on Tuesday, April 11 when Bruce and Diane Crevier – and their 12 children (Jacob, Caleb, Isaiah, Katie, Josiah, Hollie, Ben, Micah, Zach, Nathan, Tori and Tessa) – bring their Spin-Tacular Basketball Show to Mountain Lake.
The free program will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Mountain Lake Public School Auditorium.
Bruce and Diane and their family of 12 children have been in over 35 countries, using their Spin-tacular Basketball Show to entertain and share a message of hope. Bruce Crevier is a “Four-Time Guinness World Record Holder” for basketball spinning and has spun as many as 21 basketballs at the same time. He also holds the endurance world record and has spun one basketball without a break for 22 hours and 12 minutes.
Learn more at their website-