MLHS one-act wins Sub-Section 2A; advances to Section competition

Mountain Lake Public High School’s one-act play presentation – Salt & Pepper by José Cruz González – was seasoned just right, perfect enough to be the winning production in today’s (Saturday, January 28) Sub-Section 2A contest, held in the Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) auditorium.
The runner-up play was Sleepy Eye Public’s Tears of Zion, an original production.
Both plays now advance to the Section 2A contest to be held next Saturday, February 4, at LeSueur-Henderson Public High School.
Other plays presented on the day included:
+ Exit by Martin County West.
+ Dystopia! The Hungry Maze Game of Divergent Death by Jackson County Central.
+ Oz by St. James.
+ The Cry of the Peacock by Springfield.
Critic judges for the contest were Darren Wacker, Cheryl Frarck and Jim Hatch.
The winning play from that competition will advance to the Minnesota State High School League’s State One-Act Play Festival to be held in the O’Shaughnessy Auditorium on the campus of the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul. The “AA” schools perform on Thursday, February 9, and the “A” plays on Friday, February 10.
Salt & Pepper, by José Cruz González, explores family, friendship and illiteracy.
Salt’s grandfather can’t read or write. He’s ashamed to tell anyone – and his silence has had a devastating effect on the entire family.
Salt, himself, can barely read. Pepper, his new friend, reads voraciously. Together they discover a past, the secrets of which are revealed in an old box of mysterious postcards.
Illiteracy and the high price it exacts on those who can’t read, as well as their loved ones is the play’s theme.
Salt & Pepper is a gently provocative play about aging with grace, courage and humor.
+ Hannah – Liana Blomgren.
+ Grandpa Holcomb (Hannah’s father, Andy and Salt’s grandfather) – Sam Grev
+ Salt – Regan Syverson.
+ Andy – David Hall.
+ Pepper – Jae Faber.
+ Letter – Amy Bartsch.
+ Letter – Eli Karschnik.
+ Letter – Isaac Grev.
+ Letter – Olivia Klassen.
+ Letter – Ethan Klassen.
+ Sound/Trumpet on Taps – Kayla Vonk.
+ Lights – Jareya Harder.
+ Julie Brugman and Crystal Fast.