Next steps taken for city’s new industrial park
THE MOUNTAIN LAKE City Council. Seated front, from left, Council Member Dana Kass, Mayor Mike Nelson and Council Member Darla Kruser. Standing back, Council Member Andrew Ysker, left and Council Member David Savage, right.
One bid was received – and approved – for the grading and site preparation for the city’s new sub-station. The project’s engineer recommending awarding the bid to Mathiowetz Construction of Sleepy Eye at a cost of $96,500. The work will be completed by December 15.
Below is a sketch of the sub-station lay-out:
Next steps in creating city’s new industrial park
The Mountain Lake City Council took the next steps necessary in the creation of a new industrial park in southwest Mountain Lake at its Monday, November 7 meeting as presented by Mountain Lake Economic Development Authority (EDA) Director Rob Anderson.
The 26.1-acre parcel, property owned by the Mabel Pankratz trust, was purchased for $342,000. It is located immediately southwest of the city, north of Minnesota State Highway 60 and east of Cottonwood County Road 27.
Discussed at this Monday meeting were annexation, installation of infrastructure, bonding for infrastructure and ownership. A wetland delineation study will be conducted by Bolton and Menk.
It was agreed that the property should be deeded to the EDA when annexation is completed. Formal action on this will be taken at a later date.
Anderson and Mountain Lake City Administrator/Clerk Wendy Meyer will be attending the next Mountain Lake Township Board meeting to discuss an orderly annexation.
Several businesses have expressed an interest in locating ion the new industrial park.
Below is a look a the proposed industrial park, as designed by Bolton & Menk:
In other business
+ Heard a review of the finance plan of Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A, along with other information, from Tammy Omdal of Northland Securities. The bonds will used to pay for the second sub-station now under construction, as well as to bring the five engines in the Municipal Utility Power Plant to National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant (NESHAP). The increase in electricity purchased by Milk Specialties Global will pay a large part of the yearly bond payment. Discussed were the current electric rates and the need to maintain the 125% coverage ratio and the adoption of the resolution approving the issuance of the electric revenue bonds. Council members approved the resolution.
+ Entered into a new dispatch agreement with Cottonwood County. The county will bill for dispatching on a per call basis instead of the yearly flat fee beginning January 1, 2017. It is expected that dispatching costs will rise slightly. Previously the dispatch fee was paid entirely by the Mountain Lake Police Department. Now, Mountain Lake Fire Department, Mountain Lake Ambulance Squad and Mountain Lake Police will each be charged for their calls for service.
+ Heard a first reading on an amendment to city code recommended by the Utility Commission that a utility account affiliated with a property where a theft or other unlawful act has occurred by be billed for the cost of determining and repairing damage, the cost of the unmetered usage and fined.
+ Appointed Gary Hildebrandt to the Tree Commission.
+ Accepted the resignation of Brian Lunz as a part-time police officer for the Mountain Lake Police Department.
+ Scheduled interviews for casual, part-time police officers for Saturday, November 19.
+ Heard from Luke Winger concerning his idea of using 6.75 acres of city-owned property on the west side of Cottonwood County Road 1 and south of the Union Pacific Railroad rail line, for a recreational-use mountain biking and cross country skiing area. Volunteers would do the work in the creation of the rec area. Winger will prepare and provide the city with a diagram of plans.
+ Reviewed revision to Drug and Alcohol Policy, with further changes suggested. The revised policy will be reviewed at a future meeting. No action was taken.
+ Reviewed winter turbine production, the Small Cities Development Program Tracking Report and the third-quarter billing for the city’s support of the Mountain Lake Public School’s indoor pool. No action was taken.
+ Heard from Council Member Darla Kruser on consideration of a city dog park. She had been approached by residents with the idea. Location, size and amenities were discussed. Administrator Meyer will complete research and the matter will be discussed at a future meeting.
+ Decided to close Mountain Lake City Hall on Friday, November 25, the day following Thanksgiving. Employees have the option of working or using a personal/vacation day.
+ Heard from Chad and Daintri Pedersen concerning the city’s requirement of a utility deposit for properties being purchased for contract-for-deed. The Pedersen’s questioned that policy. The utility’s policy is to treat a contract-for-deed like a rental. The council directed Administrator Meyer to ask other cities for their policies, and to determine if the utility has a written policy. The matter will be considered at the Council’s Monday, November 21 meeting.
+ Closed the open meeting to open a closed meeting, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 179.01 -179A.25, to consider union contract negotiation strategies. After 41 minutes, the closed meeting was closed and the open meeting reopened. No action was taken.
City of Mountain Lake Meeting Dates
+ Mountain Lake City Council meets the first and third Mondays of every month at 6:30 p.m.
+ Utilities Commission meets the second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 7 a.m.
+ Economic Development Authority (EDA) meets the second Friday of every month at 12 noon.
+ Lake Commission meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
+ Library Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 4:45 p.m.
+ Police Commission meets the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.
+ Planning and Zoning meets the last Monday of the month, if needed.
+ Tree Commission meets quarterly – January, April, July and October – at 7:45 p.m.