FFAers from across the country head to ‘Crossroads of America’

Mountain Lake members in Indianapolis to attend 89th annual National FFA Convention










MINNESOTA STATE REPRESENTATIVE from District 22B, Rod Hamilton (R-Mountain Lake), was presented an Honorary American FFA Degree during a special ceremony Friday morning during the fourth general session of the National FFA Convention.

FFA members from across the country – including from the Mountain Lake Chapter – headed to the “Crossroads of America” for the 89th National FFA Convention.

The 2016 confab was held Tuesday, October 18 through Friday, October 21, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Twenty-four students from the local chapter – along with Advisors Lindsey Brown, Stephen Funk and Hayley Faber – were at the conclave. Eight of those attending were members of CDE (Career Development Event) teams, and two took part in the FFA National Chorus.

According to Mountain Lake FFA Officer Katherine Hofmann, “While the delegates went on various tours, to Broken Wagon Bison Farm (where Kenna Gardiner and Rebekah Klassen had the opportunity to bottle feed two calves named April and Mabel and all enjoyed tasting some bison jerky), a wind farm and Not Just Popcorn, a popcorn company that produces 403 different kinds of popcorn, the Veterinary Science and Farm Business Management teams were busy studying and competing.

“On the first convention day, the delegates wrapped up their first 24 hours with a concert given by country artists Chris Young and Cole Swindel. Earlier, they had attended the opening session where they listened to Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett, and keynote speaker, 67-year-old Diana Nyad, an American author, journalist, motivational speaker and long-distance swimmer. She first gained national attention in 1975 when she swam around Manhattan (28 miles). In 1979, she swam from North Bimini, the Bahamas to Juno Beach, Florida (102 miles).  In 2013, on her fifth attempts at age 64, she became the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without the aid of a shark cage, swimming from Havana, Cuba to Key West, Florida (110 miles). Nyad was also ranked 13th among United States women squash players.

“Farm Business Management and Vet Science completed their contests on day three, and then the students participated in professional development workshops, visited college representatives and saw the wide variety of agricultural companies displayed throughout the career fair. To end that night, the members went to the World’s Toughest Rodeo as signs of FFA members’ welcome are shown all over the city.”

The Farm Business Management Team, which included Sam Grev, Jareya Harder, Michael Watkins and Andrew Fast, placed 13th out of 46 teams, making them a Gold Emblem team. Jareya was the highest individual on the Mountain Lake team, placing 7th in the nation, and earning a $700 cash award from John Deere. The contest is designed to test the ability of students to apply economic principles and concepts in analyzing farm and ranch business management decisions. Participants respond to questions concerning economic principles in farm business management as well as a problem-solving analysis section.

Members of the Veterinary Science Team included Bailey Leaman, Kalley Rempel, Rebekah Klassen and Liana Blomgren. The girls placed 32nd out of 41 teams that competed, earning a Bronze Emblem. The team accomplished their goal from their first state convention last April of making it to nationals, learning a massive brand-new contest in just three months.

Ruben Fentanez and David Hall were the two members who participated in the National FFA Chorus. They had a lot of fun learning new and old songs, dancing and meeting people from other states who share their same love of singing.

Earning American FFA Degrees were local chapter members Josh Fast and Caleb Rempel.

As well, Minnesota State Representative from District 22B, Rod Hamilton (R-Mountain Lake), was presented an Honorary American FFA Degree during a special ceremony Friday morning during the fourth general session of the National FFA Convention.

Hofmann reminisces on the convention, “All-in-all, the 2016 National FFA Convention was a success. It was a time full of fun, sleep deprivation, excitement, stress, relief, and, most of all – lessons.”




CHAPTER MEMBERS AND advisors eventually had the opportunity to sit down together (minus Ruben and David, who were practicing with the chorus) to eat some amazing food at Harry and Izzy’s. Members shared their highs and lows of convention, with Harry and Izzy’s providing a terrific and positive atmosphere for their time together. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)




FARM MANAGEMENT TEAM members. From left, Sam Grev, Michael Watkins, Jareya Harder and Andrew Fast. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)




AFTER CRUNCHING THE numbers and determining operational and marketing strategies for an organic dairy farm as part of their team problem, Farm Management Team members meet with a judge. From left, Andrew Fast, Michael Watkins, Sam Grev and Jareya Harder. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)





THE FARM MANAGEMENT Team with their hardware. From left, Jareya Harder (7th individual in the nation), Michael Watkins, Sam Grev (with the team’s 13th place plaque), Andrew Fast and Advisor Stephen Funk. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)




Members of the Veterinary Science Team included Liana Blomgren, Kalley Rempel, Rebekah Klassen and Bailey Leaman. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)




The girls placed 32nd out of 41 teams that competed, earning a Bronze Emblem. The team accomplished their goal from their first state convention last April of making it to nationals, learning a massive brand-new contest in just three months. From left, Rebekah Klassen, Bailey Leaman, Liana Blomgren and Kalley Rempel. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)




MOUNTAIN LAKE FFA Chapter member Sam Grev, a Mountain Lake Public High School senior, got a little media coverage during the convention. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)




BEFORE HEADING HOME on Friday, the chapter sat down to watch the National FFA Band and Chorus Concert. It was full of spectacular music – both new and old. In the chorus, Mountain Lake had a couple terrific boys representing the local chapter – senior Ruben Fentanez, pictured above . . . (Mountain Lake FFA photo)




. . . AND JUNIOR DAVID Hall. Their photos were captured off the jumbotron. (Mountain Lake FFA photo)









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