The Zoo Man brings his ‘posse’

A skink and snakes and an iguana; Oh my!







Brent Mielke – aka “The Zoo Man” made his 26th visit to Mountain Lake Public Library (MLPL) – the site holding recognition as the longest running stop on The Zoo Man’s annual summertime animal tour – and he brought along his “posse.” A posse that included Beautiful, a blue-t0ngued skink, an orange-and-white corn snake; a royal python snake named Razor and Goliath, an iguana that will turn five-years-old in October.

The zoo-on-site stop was held Wednesday afternoon, June 22, as part of the 2016 Summer Reading Program – “Read for the Win!.”

Over the past 29 years, The Zoo Man has performed live in 47 of the 50 United States and Canada, been on numerous television shows – and in one year alone performed 2,300 times. He performs for professional sports franchises, libraries, schools, county fairs and town festivals, in addition to his television appearance.

He used to live in Adrian, Minnesota until a 2006 fire wiped out his zoo. So, he moved back home to Sleepy Eye to relocate his Prairie Winds Zoo, as well as his “side business” – Dungeon Gym.

A graduate of Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri, Mielke has two Masters degrees; one in wellness/exercise science and the other in herpetology (reptiles)/zoology. As The Zoo Man, he makes use of one of his advanced degrees, and with Dungeon Gym, the other.

MLPL Summer Reading Program special events

Aside from summertime reading – and special events like this – the program will also feature “Make & Take” crafts and activities at the library every Tuesday afternoon, beginning June 14 and continuing through July 19. Children may stop by any time during the hours of 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.  All ages are welcome but preschoolers must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The summer reading program is for young readers from preschool age-to-sixth grade.

Story Times for preschool and school-age children will be on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.

Following is the continuing calendar for the library’s summertime events – in addition to reading for fun, learning and prizes – and remember, all ages are invited, but preschool-aged children must be accompanied by a parent of guardian:

+ Thursday, June 23 –  Story time for preschool and school-age children, 10:30 a.m.

+ Tuesday, June 28 –  Make & Take Craft, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

+ Thursday, June 30 – Story Time for preschool and school-age children, 10:30 a.m.

+ Saturday, July 2 and Monday, July 4 – Fourth of July; Library will be closed.

+ Tuesday, July 5 – Make & Take Craft, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

+ Wednesday, July 6 – Brodini, Minnesota’s favorite magician presents his award-winning Comedy Magic Show, 1 p.m.

+ Thursday, July 7 – Story Time for preschool and school-age children, 10:30 a.m.

+ Tuesday, July 12 – Make & Take Craft, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

+ Thursday, July 14 –  Story Time for preschool and school-age children, 10:30 a.m.

+ Tuesday, July 19 – “Read For the Win” finale to include Make & Take Craft, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.; snacks, fun and drawing for prizes, 3:30 p.m. and Climb Theatre production of “The Tortoise and the Hare.” The appearance of Climb Theatre is funded by Minnesota’s Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

These summer reading program activities are funded by Mountain Lake Public Library and Friends of the Mountain Lake Public Library.

Below is a photo gallery of The Zoo Man and his visiting posse:

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THE ZOO MAN introduces Beautiful, a blue-tongued skink, to his eager audience at Mountain Lake Public Library. The blue-tongued skink is one of the slowest animals in the world (and, yes, it does have a blue tongue).
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NEXT UP TO be greeted was this orange-and-white corn snake.
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ALTHOUGH INITIALLY APPREHENSIVE, Hayden Youngwirth warmed up to Mr. Corn Snake.
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ANOTHER GUEST TO the library was Razor, a royal python. Razor has been with The Zoo Man for 28 years. Getting the opportunity to get up-close-and-personal with Razor was Carsen Hopper.
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MEANWHILE, ABBY SONNABEND was “crowned” with a very different type of tiara.
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GOLIATH, AN ALMOST five-year-old iguana was hungry for his veggies. Feeding him a leaf of lettuce was Kirstin Nickel.
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AND GOLIATH WAS very, very appreciative.
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