Mountain Lake Soccer’s inaugural season

U12, U14 teams face Madelia on home fields Tuesday


Mountain Lake Soccer Logo - Final



The inaugural year of U12 and U14 Mountain Lake Soccer play has seen a “really solid start-up for the sport – and growth is anticipated for next year’s season,” states Mountain Lake Soccer Club President Ally Klassen. Games began in late May and will run through June.

Youth from both Mountain Lake Christian (MLC) and Mountain Lake Public School – and even neighboring communities – have participated. Games are played on the soccer fields north of MLC..

This is not a school-affiliated extracurricular sport, so participants are also able compete in their Minnesota State High School League spring sport as well.

U12 team members include John Bergeman, Cynthia Bernal (goalie), Avrom Buller, Alexis Dunn, MaKiya Hartwig, Monroe James, Kate Janzen, Makayden Khounsanthone, Drayton Klassen, Jacey Klassen, Luke Klassen, Brody Kleven Cole Kleven, Lydia Rete, Miriam Rete, Dannika Sajban, Andres Vetsouvanh, Kearny Wall and Layne Wall. Coaches for this age team are Daniel Bargen and Joelle Bargen.

Comprising the U14 age team are Paton Buller, Emilio Garcia De La Cruz, Anahi Flores, Vincente Ibarra (goalie), Drayton Klassen, Seth Klassen, Brandon Lounagsaphakdy, Junior Lounagsaphakdy, Mark Peschges, Emmanuel Reyes, Joel Salgado, Jordan Shrake, Jordan Toll and Wyatt Wall. JD Tippin and Daniel Bargen are the U14 coaches.

In a home match-up against teams from Madelia this evening (Tuesday, June 17), the U12 players played to a 0-0 tie, while the U14 squad suffered a loss to the more experienced visitors.

Below are some photos from the soccer action:





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MOUNTAIN LAKE SOCCER U12 goalie Cynthia Bernal grabs the ball for the save.



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MIRIAM RETE, LEFT, of Mountain Lake Soccer’s U12, breaks up her Madelia opponent’s progress downfield. Behind is Avrom Buller.



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STUCK LIKE GLUE to the Hawks’ ball-handler is U12 Mountain Lake Soccer’s Alexis Dunn, left.



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SPEEDY-FAST LAYNE Wall, left, of Mountain Lake Soccer’s U12, storms down the field with the ball.



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ANDRES VETSOUVANH, LEFT, of Mountain Lake Soccer’s U12, breaks up the Madelia ball-handler’s momentum.



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MOUNTAIN LAKE SOCCER’S U12 Cole Kleven, center, moves in for control of the ball. At back left is his teammate, Jacey Klassen.



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MAKING BALL POSSESSION moves by two Madelia defenders is John Bergeman, left, of Mountain Lake Soccer’s U12.






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MOUNTAIN LAKE SOCCER U14 player Joel Salgado, right, moves in at an angle to stop the Madelia player’s forward progress. Behind left is his teammate Emilio Garcia De La Cruz.



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PROGRESSING DOWNFIELD ON offense is Mark Peschges of Mountain Lake Soccer’s U14.



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JOSE GARNICA, LEFT, of Mountain Lake Soccer’s U14, races downfield in order to stop – and steal – the ball from the Madelia player.



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USING SOME FANCY footwork, Mountain Lake Soccer U14’s Drayton Klassen slips around his defender.



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MOUNTAIN LAKE SOCCER U14 team members at right line up the play. Squad members include, from left, Wyatt Wall, Anahi Flores and Joel Salgado.



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AT THE CENTER of the action, the Louangsaphakdy brothers from Mountain Lake Soccer’s U14 – Brandon, left and Junior, right, push the offensive attack.



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PATON BULLER OF Mountain Lake Soccer U14, right, works on ball control.

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