Approves purchase of new in-car video system for police department

The Mountain Lake City Council addressed sub-station issues at its Monday, March 21 meeting. On hand was Mike Thielen of Utilities Plus Energy Services (UPES). Discussed were the January 2015 Sub-Station Report, minutes of the March 3 Utility Commission meeting and information presented by those who attended the March 17 Utility Commission meeting.
The additional equipment Milk Specialties intends to install by the end of 2016 will use all the capacity remaining in the current sub-station/transformer. An overloaded transformer could fail, leaving the city without electricity. UPES is recommended that the sub-station be located near Cottonwood County Road #1 and 1st Avenue. The current sub-station will continue to be used.
The Utility Commission has directed UPES to prepare project specs for the Thursday, April 14 commission meeting. Bids will likely be called for on that day.
The project cost and financing are being determined.
New police car, new in-car video system
Council Members approved the request by Mountain Lake Police Chief Doug Bristol to purchase a new in-car video system – Pro-Vision System – for the new Mountain Lake Police Department police car at a post of $2,644. The new police car should arrive some time in April.
Chief Bristol had presented that the current in-car video systems are reaching the end of their useful lives, and rather than install the old system in the new police vehicle, it would be a good idea to purchase a new system.
In other business
+ Heard the review of the 2015 Mountain Lake Economic Development Authority (EDA) Work Plan presented by EDA Director Rob Anderson. The 2015 goals and accomplishments were reviewed and discussed. Anderson noted that the EDA had prepared a 10-year strategic plan in 2006, and will be preparing a new 10-year strategic plan during 2016. Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce activities were also discussed. Questions concerning loan repayment and Lakeview Estate lots sales were asked and answered.
+ Reviewed the 2015, Water, Sewer and Electric Budgets and specific line items were discussed.
+ Reviewed Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton’s request for Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (PFA) 2016 capital budget funding. The request includes giving more loan and grant dollars to PFA and raising the amount of grant funds available. This is important to the City of Mountain Lake as the wastewater project moves ahead. Local legislators are supportive of the governor’s request.
+ Mediation in Kuechle Underground Inc. v. City of Mountain Lake has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 28 in Minneapolis. Pre-trial has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 20, in Windom. As well, the trial be held in Windom from Monday, July 25 to Friday, July 29.
+ Mayor Mike Nelson closed the open meeting and opened a closed meeting, per attorney/client privilege, for an update on the City of Mountain Lake v. Ken and Rachel Yoder. After seven minutes, the closed meeting was closed and the open meeting re-opened. No action was taken.
City of Mountain Lake Meeting Dates
+ Mountain Lake City Council meets the first and third Mondays of every month at 6:30 p.m.
+ Utilities Commission meets the second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 7 a.m.
+ Economic Development Authority (EDA) meets the second Friday of every month at 12 noon.
+ Lake Commission meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
+ Library Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 4:45 p.m.
+ Police Commission meets the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.
+ Planning and Zoning meets the last Monday of the month, if needed.
+ Tree Commission meets quarterly – January, April, July and October – at 7:45 p.m.