Precious pints

MLHS Student Council hosts American Red Cross Blood Drive

Each pint of blood donated at an American Red Cross Blood Drive is precious. That is because each pint can help save a life.

Members of the Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS) Student Council hosted the March collection in the school’s auditorium on Tuesday, March 29. Faculty co-advisors are Jaime Banks and Kim Syverson.

The American Red Cross collected 40 points on their visit to the school.

Following are some of the young donors who did their part in helping to save lives:



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JULIO GUTIERREZ IS pictured eating his noon lunch in the canteen – but – he sports the “Red Bandage of Courage” on his left arm, a sign that he donated a pint of blood.



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PHLEBOTOMIST RICK, LEFT, is busy lining up the blood collection unit, while donor Aleesha Jepsen, right, waits for her opportunity to fill it with a pint of her blood.



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JACK WENDT, LEFT, gives the “thumbs up” as the attending phlebotomist, Jacqueline, right, starts to prep him for his donation.



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DONATION IS DONE. Liana Blomgren is set to head to the canteen in order to eat some noon lunch.
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