A TRIO OF Mountain Lake Christian (MLC) Speech Team members earned accolades at the Saturday, March 5 Fairmont Cardinal Invitational Speech Tournament. Senior Josh Raabe of Mountain Lake received hardware for this 1st-place finish in Humorous. St. James seventh-grader Zoey Smith was presented a 4th-place ribbon in Great Speeches and Mountain Lake senior Melissa Lohrenz achieved 5th-place in Drama. Also participating was Butterfield seventh-grader Elizabeth Linscheid in Original Oratory. Host Fairmont claimed the team title with 130 points. St. Peter High School was second with 60, followed by Worthington High School with 51, Mankato West High School with 46 and Hutchinson High School scoring 34. MLC Speech Team Coaches are Kim Friesen and Elijah Stoesz. (Kim Friesen photo)