Favorite book, movie characters come to life in school’s elementary classrooms
Diffendoofer Day originally came to Mountain Lake Christian (MLC) Elementary classrooms through the auspices of Rachel Knutson, Acacia (grades one and two) teacher.
As Miss Knutson tells it, “I was searching, I was looking and seeking for ways I could celebrate the wonderful gift of reading.” She learned of a book based on verses and sketches created by Dr. Seuss (Theodore Seuss Geisel). This book was completed after Suess’s death, by writer Jack Prelutsky and illustrator Lane Smith. With a title that was lively, merry and full of play, the book was entitled “Hooray for Diffendoofer Day.”
The story surrounds a school – Diffendoofer School – that is well liked by its students – most notably because of its many eccentric teachers, especially the unsinkable Miss Bonkers. However, the students must prove that the quirky school has taught them how to think by earning good grades on a standardized test (which turns out in the end to be a revising test on multiple subjects they regularly learn) lest they be sent to an adjacent school in dreary Flobbertown that requires uniforms to be worn and is incredibly dull.
Now that word – Diffendoofer – was an interesting one for Miss Knutson to hear. That word – Diffendoofer – sounded good to her ear. It was then at Miss Knutson knew, “What a name that would be for a day filled with fun, full of reading and books. Not boring and dull at all.”
That’s how it all began.
And so, on this Friday, March 18, students came to school ready to read their favorite books. They donned costumes of favorite book characters, making everyone look. Why, even the teachers got in on the act.
Following are some photographs from the special event:
THE DIFFENDOOFERS ABOUNDED in the MLC Sycamore (kindergarten) class on Friday afternoon. From left, Sarah Mendoza and her favorite book, “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” (Will there be enough room?), a book about the lower-case and upper case letters of the alphabet and a coconut tree; Leechelle Quiring and her fave, “Posie the Kitten in Pink,” a story of a ride through a bustling city that highlights the perspective only grandparent and grandchild can share and teacher Sheryl Fast with “Madeline” (In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines), a story written entirely in rhyme that takes place in a Catholic boarding school in Paris, France.
“THE STRANGE CASE of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” was the perfect choice for MLC Science Teacher, Brandon Pearson. The story is about a man who transforms between two personae.
THE “QUIET OLD lady whispering hush,” from the book, “Goodnight Moon,” was brought to life by MLC Music Teacher Aaron Petersen. Above, he reads the title, “Oh, The Thinks You Can Think,” by Dr. Seuss.
“STAR WARS” STORMTROOPER (Ben Moller) – and his favorite series of book titles.
SAM PETERSEN, LEFT, dressed as his hero, Robin Hood, reads a tale about the heroic outlaw in English folklore who “robbed from the rick and gave to poor” – along with his band of Merry Men in Nottingham Forest – to Jackson Stoneking, right, who was dressed as a gorilla.
FAIRLANE PENNER, LEFT, clad as an owl from the book, “Animals in the Woods,” listens to that story as read by Riley Schroeder, right, dressed as Daisy from “Summer of the Monkeys.”
BATMAN (LUKE MOLLER), right, shares the story about the origins of the Caped Crusader to thoroughly-engrossed Alden Klassen, left. Batman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.
GERALD THE ELEPHANT (Tyler Dick), left, from the series of books featuring Gerald and Piggie the Pig – including “A Big Guy Took My Ball!” – shares a new book title, “Elmer’s Special Day,” with soldier Owen Klassen, right.
“TAVIA TIGER” (MONROE James), right, reads the book, “The Boy who was Raised by Librarians,” to Audrey Dick, left, who, as Piggie the Pig, claims as her favorite book, “I Really Like Slop!” (an Elephant and Piggie book).
WITH DANIEL SMITH, left, done reading his firefighter book to Levi Onken, right, the Green Ninja tries on for size the firefighter’s helmet.