Doughnuts for deserving dads

MLES continues the Valentine’s Day timelines tradition

Early Friday morning, February 12 – continuing the Valentine’s Day timeline tradition – dads, granddads and special male mentors were honored for all they add to the lives of children who attend Mountain Lake Public Elementary School (MLES) during a pre-school breakfast quality time, “Donuts for Dads,” in the school’s cafeteria.

A similar event – “Muffins With Mom” – is held for moms, grandmoms and special female mentors on the Friday before Mother’s Day.

Following are some morning moments captured by the camera:


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DAD, JEREMY WALL, back, lets his son, Carson, front, take the lead through the doughnut and juice line.



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AT LEFT, DAD, Greg Bent and son, Oshane, collect their doughnuts – while another son and brother, Keymoni – is already out of the picture, heading to a spot at the tables. At right, Dad, Dennis Stade, back, starts down the doughnut buffet line, while son, Sam, front, looks towards the juices and daughter, Elena, right, scouts out a place to sit. Meanwhile, Tammy Wolle, Taher, Inc. Food Service Director, center, adds more plates to the stack.



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GRANDPA, JAVIER MONTESINOS, right, and granddaughter, kindergarten-student Bryseiea Montesinos, left, toast the special pre-school breakfast with their doughnuts.



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A BROADER LOOK at the school cafeteria, along with all of the dads, granddads and special male mentors being honored, and their elementary-age students. At right, Wolle adds doughnuts to the trays and at far right, Amy Hartzler, Mountain Lake Public School Social Worker, attends the coffee pot.
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