IT WAS A snow show in the area on Monday, December 28 into Tuesday, December 29 as the snow totals in inches kept piling up. In the Mountain Lake-Windom area, 9+ inches was noted, but the “winner” was Mapleton with 12.5 inches. Fairmont recorded 11.5 inches; Jackson, 9; Lakefield, 8.7; Mankato, 8.5; St. Clair, 8; New Ulm, 7; Waseca, 6 and Worthington, 5. Above, Brent Jass of rural Odin clears off the driveway of the farmsite – while the snow piled on top of the picnic table highlights the winter wonderland that arrived over the past two days. This snow frosts on top of the 5-6 inches this area received Friday night, December 25 and early Saturday, December 26. (Photo courtesy of Debby Jass)