Using the lyrics to Building 429’s “Impossible,” as a building block, the 57 dancers in Mountain Lake Dance danced into the possible. The fall performance – the group’s third recital – was held Saturday morning, November 21, in the Mountain Lake Public School auditorium. In the afternoon, young dancers from Comfrey took to the stage for their second recital.
The dance program began in fall 2014 under the tutelage of Candice Bartel. Dancers in grades kindergarten-through-six rehearse weekly throughout the fall to prepare three routines for the recital – a group dance, a jazz or high kick routine and a ballet routine, all choreographed and taught by Bartel.
Throughout the fall semester, the girls learned basic dance techniques and developed performance and team-building skills. The main goal of the program, thought, is to help girls feel empowered and encouraged. Only positive music and appropriate choreography is used to reflect this message. As Candice Bartel shares, “I have two daughter of my own and am already anticipating the struggle to maintain a positive self-image as girls grow and develop. I want this to be a safe place where girls feel loved and accepted – just as they are.”
In addition to the group dance, preschool dancers learn a ballet routine and rehearse twice weekly throughout November under the lead of Katelin Brown.
In both Mountain Lake and Comfrey, the program is offered through Community Education.
A spring semester in each town will run from February through April 2016.
Following is a dancers’ photo gallery:
THE 57 MOUNTAIN Lake Dance dancers in grades preschool-to-six, open their fall recital this past Saturday morning in the Mountain Lake Public School auditorium with a group hip hop to the song, “Impossible,” by Building 429. Teacher for grades kindergarten-to-six is Candice Bartel, with Katelin Brown instructing the pre-school dancers.
ABBEY LEPP, of the preschool dance ensemble, knows the routine for the group hip hop dance.
BRYN BELL PARTICIPATES in the kindergarten and first-grade dancers’ jazz number.
THE COMPLETE KINDERGARTEN and first-grade group comes together into position to finish their jazz dance. Ensemble members include Claire Adrian, Bryn Bell, Camille Blom, Audrey Dick, Abriana Garcia, Danika Gohr, Tienna Hopper, Chloie Jensen, Katie Johnson, Emma Klassen, Adalynn Kufahl, Ava Lepp, Isabel Nelson, Nevaeh Ott, Isabelle Penner, Shelby Penner, Heidi Pfeiffer, Elena Stade, Leah Strom, Kathryn Wassman and Athea Witt.
LYDIA CAVANAUGH STRIKES a pose as she performs with her fifth- and sixth-grade group on a ballet dance to Natalie Grant’s “Burn Bright.”
THE FIFTH- AND sixth-grade group is in ballet. Front, Lydia Cavanaugh. Middle, from left, Kaliyah Pongdara, Cyenna Hampel, Madison Hartle and Jordan Wright. Back, from left, Tiegen Meyer, Emma Estrada and Mikiah Peterson.
THIS, THIS IS for all the girls, boys all over the world. Whatever you’ve been told, you’re worth more than gold. So hold your head up high, it’s your time to shine. From the inside out it shows, you’re worth more than gold. Moving to the music and lyrics of Britt Nicole’s “Gold,” is Kyha Boldt, with her grades two-to-four jazz dance ensemble.
CLOSING SCENE FOR the jazz dancers in second-to-fourth-grade. Dancers include Kaila Blom, Kyha Boldt, Meghan Johnson, Storie Hoody-Witt, Jacey Klassen, Alexus Lopez, Evangeline MacInnis, Bailey Meyer, Fairlane Penner, Gracie Peters, Ashlyn Pfeiffer, Phithsada Phoumijong, Jadrah Renquist, Liliana Topete, Aleena Vetsouvanh and Lily Youngwirth.
WITH JUDY GARLAND on vocals on “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” kindergarten and first-grade dancers present their ballet moves. At left is Adalynn Kufahl, with Tienna Hopper, at right.
STRIKING A BALLET pose in the kindergarten and first-grade group dance is Claire Adrian.
THE LARGE GROUP of kindergarten and first-grade ballet dancers end their dance number. Dancers in the ensemble include Claire Adrian, Bryn Bell, Camille Blom, Audrey Dick, Abriana Garcia, Danika Gohr, Tienna Hopper, Chloie Jensen, Katie Johnson, Emma Klassen, Adalynn Kufahl, Ava Lepp, Isabel Nelson, Nevaeh Ott, Isabelle Penner, Shelby Penne, Heidi Pfeiffer, Elena Stade, Leah Srom, Kathryn Wassman and Athea Witt.
A HIGH-KICK line of fifth- and sixth-grade dancers perform a high hick dance to “Brave,” by Nichole Nordeman. From left, Lydia Cavanaugh, Madison Hartle, Mikiah Peterson, Emma Estrada, Cyenna Hampel, Tiegen Meyer, Kaliyah Pongdara and Jordan Wright.
“CASTLE ON A Cloud,” from Les Miserables is the music for the ballet number for performers in grades two-through-four. From left, Ashlyn Pfeiffer, Kaila Blom and Aleena Vetsouvanh,
TWIRLING INTO A group pose are the ballet dancers in grades two-through-four. They include Kaila Blom, Kyha Boldt, Meghan Johnson, Storie-Hoody Witt, Jacey Klassen, Alexus Lopez, Evangeline MacInnis, Bailey Meyer, Fairlane Penner, Gracie Peters, Ashlyn Pfeiffer, Phithsada Phoumijong, Jadrah Renquist, Liliana Topete, Aleena Vetsouvanh and Lily Youngwirth.
THE FINAL ENSEMBLE in performance are the pre-school ballet dancers. Their dance music was “When You Wish Upon a Star,” by Celtic Woman – When you wish upon a star. Makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. Spinning into her ballet pose is Kaylin Nickel.
MOVING IN UNISON during their preschool ballet dance are, from left, Brynlee James, Adleigh Olson, Emma Naxay and Annabelle Hup. Preschool ensemble members included Bricelyn Brown, Ally Hanson, Annabelle Hup, Brynlee James, Hali Janzen, Abbey Lepp, Emma Naxay, Kaylin Nickel, Adleigh Olson, Galaxie Penner, Lucy Penner and Emery Peterson.
REACHING OUT IN her preschool ballet dance is Galaxie Penner.
THE ENTIRE ENSEMBLE of 57 dancers pose for a photo op after reprising their opening number, a hip hop dance to Building 429’s “Impossible.”