July 31 end to Highway #60 Mountain Lake-Butterfield detour; October project completion
The detour on Minnesota State Highway #60 from Mountain Lake to Butterfield will be removed Friday, July 31, weather permitting, announced the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). Traffic will return to the existing two-lane Highway #60 until the project is completed in October.
The two-month detour was necessary to build the connections on both ends of the project.
The project includes grading, paving, concrete repair and lighting of two additional lanes to expand Highway 60 to a four-lane facility. The contractor expects to be paving the new lanes in September.
Mathiowetz Construction of Sleepy Eye was awarded the contract with a bid of $12,424,000.
This is the second of three projects planned to complete the expansion of Highway 60 to a four-lane facility. The section from Mountain Lake to Windom is planned to begin in 2017. For more project information and a detour map, visit www.dot.state.mn.us/d7/projects/hwy60stjames/ .
For statewide travel information, visit www.511mn.org .