Individual honors awarded to Little League ballplayers
Mountain Lake’s 2015 Little League season slid home to a close on Wednesday evening, July 1.
Winning the play-offs were the Marlins. In addition, Mountain Lake Summer Rec Director Shawn Naas handed out individual honors to league ball players.
Those awards included noting the top Little League Batting Averages:
* Jaden Boldt (Rangers) – .649
* Abraham Stoesz (Marlins) – .648
* Adam Karschnik (Ranger) – .629
* Brett Willaby (Orioles) – .619
* Jon Faber (Nationals) – .593
* Kade Kremmin (Nationals) – .589
* Sam Paulson (Marlins) – .580
* Kolby Kremmin (Nationals) – .576
* Fletcher Hanson (Rangers) – .575
* Paton Buller (Rangers) – .565
* Spencer Khamvongsa (Nationals) – .562
* Ethan Nickel (Nationals) – .560
* Daniel Gardiner (Rangers) – .534
* Margo Stoesz (Orioles) – .525
* Micah Holmberg (Marlins) – .518
Following are photos of the champion Marlins, as well as those receiving top season-ending accolades.
While the participating Little Leaguers competing in the summer season league were divided into teams – they are all – at heart and in competition – Mountain Lake Area Wolverines.