Time for ‘Discovery’

Preschool’s classes of four- and five-year-old students hold end of school year program

The Mountain Lake Public School’s Discovery Preschool classes of four- and five-year-old students held an end of the 2014-2015 school year program on Thursday morning, May 14, in the school’s auditorium.

The four- and five-year-olds attended either the morning (8 a.m. to 11 a.m.) or afternoon (12 p.m to 3 p.m.) sessions on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays over the course of the course of the August-to-May school year.

An additional class, exclusively for three-year-old children, was held during the school year on Wednesday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Morning class members were Adalynn Kufahl, Ben Falk, Camille Blom, Danika Gohr, Heidi Pfeiffer, Isabel Nelson, Jackson Banks, Jonathan Harder Schrock, Keymoni Bent, Nevaeh Ott, Sovann Thang and Tasia Khemphomma.

Attending preschool in the afternoon were Adrian Chantharak, Brennan Perkins, Brynlee Morey, Cael Boldt, Claire Adrian, Gracen Rempel, Hayden Youngwirth, Kallyn Morey, Leah Strom and Taryn Marcy.

Laurie Bartsch is the teacher for the class.

Following is a photo gallery from the program:



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THE STUDENTS OPENED the program by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Above is Adalynn Kufahl.


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WAVING “HELLO” TO family and friends in the audience – and onstage. Above, Jonathan Harder Schrock, left and Claire Adrian, right.


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THIS PAIR PULLS up on the reigns and shouts “Whoa!” to their horses as they are comin’ round the mountain. At left is Navaeh Ott and at right is Sovann Thang.


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KEYMONI BENT, LEFT and Heidi Pfeiffer, right, do some show choir moves with the children’s songs the Discovery Preschool students sang during their school year-ending program.


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BEN FALK PRETENDS to be asleep with his arm motions.


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CAMILLE BLOM WAS decked out for springtime – right down to her pink flower hair clip.


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DISCOVERY PRESCHOOL TEACHER Laurie Bartsch, left, “interviews” student Cael Boldt, right.


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ADRIAN CHANTHARAK GESTURES during a counting song.


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AS DOES LEAH Strom – counting down to the number one.


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IT WAS PHOTO op time with the teacher following the program. Mom Kay Gohr, right front, snaps a few shots of daughter Danika Gohr, center with Discovery Preschool teacher Laurie Bartsch, left.


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FROM ONE END of the Mountain Lake Public School education spectrum to the other. Discovery Preschool graduate Gracen Rempel, right, had a special audience member attend his program, his big brother, Caleb Rempel, left, who will graduate with the school’s 111th graduating class on Friday evening, May 15. For Gracen and the other Discovery students – it is on to kindergarten in the fall!


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